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I suggest listening to "The Truth Untold" by bts while you read this.

Dr.Gyeong shut the door as all the nurses surrounded the surgical room starring and gossiping about what could have happened. A delicate girl that was around the age of twenty stood on her toes pushing through the crowd and peeking through the window seeing Y/N laying on a medical bed. Her eyes saddened remembering you were the nurse taking care of patient six. She made her way out of the crowd stepping through the halls of the rooms where all the patients were. She turned corners reaching dead ends and mysterious paintings then finally reaching the room she desired to enter.

She entered room 76 and shut the door behind her starring at the orange haired boy who smiled happily at her. He walked to her not saying anything and she smiled as she held her hands.

"All the nurses are distracted at the moment." she stumbled on her words. "We could go visit him once more before I let you go."

He nodded and she smiled shyly. "I'm just your nurse but he will miss you, and so will I." His eyes fell on her once again she shyly looked over at him. He embraced her into his arms feeling her warmth and she did the same placing her head into his chest.

"We should go before we get caught."

He nodded and they both stepped out the door.


Dr.Gyeong pressed his hands against your chest lightly taking in his breath.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Asked Dr.Jiyeon as she stood by the door.

Dr.Gyeong nodded as he forced his hands onto your chest. He did it once more and you did not respond. He slid down to your stomach pressing down gently but also with enough force and as he did you sat up as a lump of chewed apple spatted out of your throat. You gasped for air holding onto your throat as you did and Dr.Gyeong smiled as he pushed your hands away from your throat.

"You're alright." He said handing you a glass of water.

From the far hallway, away from the surgical room, Jimin stood in front of the Orange haired boy.

"I'm leaving today." he said not hesitating a word.

Jimin stood alone not giving direct contact.

"Jimin-ah I need to see the others. I need to save them." He said patting Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin rose his head to face him. His brown eyes fell into his eyes and a wide smile appeared on Hoseok's face.

"I will miss you Jimin." As his words were spoken Jimin threw his arms around Hoseok and he rested his head on his shoulder. He hugged him tightly remembering his name, remembering his mellow chuckle, remembering his smile that brightened his day and that made him feel free almost at peace with Hoseok. Jimin gently pulled away from his arms not wanting to let go but knowing it was a must at this moment and his sad Gaze fell onto Hoseok as he could barley bring words to his mouth.

"I promise that we will see each other again Jimin-ah." Hoseok walked to the opened door where the Nurse was standing and Hoseok waved at him and Jimin lifted his hand up making no move and as Hoseok smiled once more at Jimin, Jimin waved at him slowly and soon his one friend was gone, and he starred at the shut door that no one was standing next to and he shouted. Shouted so loud but for him it was not enough.


Dr.Gyeong stepped out of the surgical room and demanded all the nurses to go home. Y/N stood at the sink washing her hands that were stained with the blood she had coughed hours ago as she continued washing them, Dr.Gyeong stepped back inside the surgical room placing utensils back into the cabinets where they belonged to and you stood starring at him while drying your hands.

"Dr.Gyeong." You managed to speak out.

"Yes?" He responded.

"How did you get me to cough the apple slice out? What was in that apple?" You threw the paper towel into the trash can waiting for his response.

"Those apples are coated with a special numbing gel that the patients can't taste. That numbing gel numbs your throat causing you to think that your throat is clogged. Those apples are for the patients only. We use that numbing gel to numb the thoughts that they wish not to remember. However, for you it numbed your throat causing you to gasp for air and fainting due to panic."

You nodded slowly. You turned to the clock realizing it was almost closing time and stammered out of the surgical room waiting for Dr.Gyeong as you did. You studied the white colored lobby starring at how colorless the place was.

"I'm glad Jimin left in time." He said.

He lead you to the Nurses break room and you entered to retrieve your things and stepped out quickly as he locked the door and walked you to the elevator pressing buttons on the pad. You couldn't help but wonder why he brought up Jimin's name and had the reason to ask him, as you turned to him the elevator doors opened and you starred at the open metal doors. You stood still not wanting to walk in and Dr.Gyeong glancing over at you waiting for you to step inside but you stood still.

"Can I visit Jimin before I go?"


The orange haired boy stood in front of the hospital starring at the tall building filled with glossy lights hitting against the window and patients looking out into the city. He turned and looked over at people rushing past him and seeing that the night sky had glazed upon him. He starred at the buildings he approached as he walked farther from the hospital and there he heard Jimin's laugh. He turned looking back and forth not seeing him anywhere, he faced ahead not caring weather what he heard was real or not and he, did not stop so he walked faster stepping his pace as he did and soon enough he could no longer see the hospital he once was at.

You stepped into the room only being welcomed by the darkness of it. You reached for the light switch trying to find it and flicked it on. Your head fell across the room as your eyes drew to Jimin's bed and his back facing you. You sighed as you took small steps reaching to him. You approached him as he still did not seem to notice you so you placed your hand onto his slender shoulder patting it once.

"Thank you." You said softly.

You stood behind him for minutes as he did not respond, You concluded he could be asleep. You stood there feeling the silence listening to the light breeze and once again you thanked him and he did not answer but as you stepped away you could hear a faint sound you couldn't quite make out so you stood near him longer and you heard him breath deeply, you both were quiet and the only sound you both could hear was his soft heart beat. 

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