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Dr. Jiyeon had called you and informed you to take a day off to rest and you disagreed but she demanded that it was an order from Dr.Gyeong and so you did so and hung up the call. You heard a knock at your door and walked towards it seeing Seul as you opened the door.

"You usually never answer the door at this time. Are you not going to work today?" He asked and you nodded. You welcomed him inside and he refused.

"I just came to talk for a few minutes, to ask you something actually." he said scratching his neck. You smiled and moved your way out of the door.

"What did you want to talk about?" You asked and Seul caught himself starring at his shoe laces then back at you.

"Maybe later, do you want to go get dinner with me?" he paused.

"Sure." You responded opening the door to your apartment and stepping inside. Before closing the door Seul called your name again and pressed his hand against the door. You paused starring at him.

"It's not just dinner Y/N I'm asking you on a" he paused and mumbled "A Date."

His eyes fell back onto his shoe laces and you did not make much of a reaction but only felt your insides burning and almost feeling pity for the man you agreed to go on this date with him. He smiled and said to dress nice and he would meet you at your door at 7pm. You smiled awkwardly as you shut the door sliding onto your back and falling on the tile floor hitting your head against the door.

I can see why girls don't want to date him, he's so awkward when you do. You laughed at yourself for thinking such a thing and you scratched your head, blowing your hair out of your face. You turned your head to the clock seeing it was only 1pm and decided you had time to spare. You reached for your purse, throwing an apple into it and walked out the door heading your way to the hospital.


"Hi, I came here to visit patient 6." You informed the secretary. The secretary hit her long fingernails against the keyboard and squinted her eyes at the computer screen.

"I-I'm sorry but he's not taking visitors at the moment." she said turning her head towards you with a small smile. Your smile fainted and asked to speak with Dr.Gyeong and the secretary nodded as you stood there waiting for him to arrive. Minutes later Dr.Gyeong did appear but did not seem to thrilled as he usually is and the secretary informed him of you and he pulled you aside.

"Ah Y/N I know I informed you to get some rest but I was hoping you would come and visit Jimin." He whispered. He allowed you to enter Jimin's room informing you that he was not in his best mood today but he would still accept you to visit. You nodded as he shut the door and saw Jimin sitting in the corner of the large room starring at the floor.


This is the nurse? Well isn't she cute.

Stop speaking with me.

Is this the only nurse you haven't tried to hurt?

Stop speaking with me.

Not like the last one where we scared the living hell out of her.

Stop speaking with me.

What is so special about this nurse? Are you trying to protect her?

Stop speaking with me.

That isn't going to last very long.

Stop speaking with me.

I will hurt her if you won't, she is just like the rest who have walked into this room.

Stop speaking with me.

I can control you any way I please.

Stop speaking with me.

She will be afraid of you just like the rest.

Stop speaking with me.

she will leave you empty and alone.

no she won't.

How are you so sure?


You adjusted yourself next to Jimin, sitting close to him you could feel his elbow hit yours. He only seemed to gaze at the white carpet floor as you sat next to him. His eyes lazily moved back and forth as he followed the dust specks with his eyes. His knees were hugged against his chest and his chin and lips were dipped into his arms.

You could see his golden glossy hair shine under the ceiling light that fell over both of you. You sighed slowly and Jimin did not seem to pay any attention to you so you adjusted yourself closer to him. You sat in front of him. His eyes hesitated at looking at yours and he gently let his arms fall from being wrapped around his legs, he pressed his hands onto the carpet sliding his legs towards yours and his brown eyes laid on you. You felt his cold gaze and for some reason his eyes no longer seemed a brown to you but a dark blue haunting you. 

"I hope you ate today." you said not caring if his gaze was slightly scaring you. 

No words came from him and he only seemed to have a small grin creep onto him. As you starred around the room your eyes fell onto Jimins hands. It was the last thing you'd expect to  be looking at, and as your eyes starred at them his hands began to clench onto the carpet floor holding it tightly. You glanced back to Jimin's eyes and his face seemed pale and stiff and his eyes fell onto yours and his head began to shake slowly. 

"Don't look." he said carelessly. His voice was soft and low but you couldn't help but ask why.

"Don't look." he repeated.  And you paused, confused. 

"Look where?" you asked. 

"Don't look anywhere." he said raising his voice slightly. 

"I-I can't do that, unless I close my eyes or-" Jimin proceeded to talk over you. 

"Look at me." You had already been watching him. 

"Tell me- Tell me that your afraid of me." he asked and his eyes seemed darker. 

"Why would I-" 

"Tell me that your afraid of me!" he shouted. 

You paused. "I'm not afraid of you. I don't see the reason why I should be afraid." 

Jimin starred at you. His eyes fell onto the carpet floor again and his grip softened from the carpet and he raised them to look at them but he seemed to only see you and not his hands. He stretched his hand out to you moving closer and he breathed slowly. 

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked softly. 

You reached your arm out and your arm pulled back once pausing to think in trust. Your eyes fell to his brown eyes that didn't seem so dark anymore and instead shined towards you. You could only feel a warm feeling crawl up your skin as you saw Jimin's hand reached out for yours. 

"She had ended up quiting her job saying patient 6 was sinister . "

You looked to him and spoke softly "People say you're sinister." 

He pulled his hand away slowly and as you starred at him you noticed that was what others thought of him. Your hand quickly reached for his and your fingers lingered in between his and his eyes shot up at you. 

"But that's not what I say."

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