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Your vision was a blur, it seemed to be most of the time when you would awake from slumber. You hurried along your apartment making sure things were left at peace as you ran out the door way later reaching the hospital. It was a foggy morning the street lights were dim the grass was warm and clouds passed ahead of you. From afar you could spot the red hospital lights as you saw a large maroon bus with Dr.Gyeong standing at it's side helping men place luggage into the bus. He quickly placed your luggage in as well assuming it was next to Jimin's. 

Dr.Gyeong sighed as he finished the job, the bus driver entered with a small cup of coffee sitting on the drivers seat comfortably. The bus was empty. Dr.Gyeong smiled over at you, he had a casual look and was not in his normal uniform. Dr.Jiyeon stepped out from the hospital helping a women enter the bus. The women was small, her hair was loose as she held tightly onto her doll she seemed frightened about her surroundings and would look around frantically occasionally. 

Dr.Gyeong handed you a small key. 

"Jimin is ready as well. Sit close to him on the bus."

You nodded as you felt the carpet floor on your heels stepping towards the grey elevator. You swung your arms seeing your reflection in the ceiling top of the elevator. The doors opened to patients sitting calmly in the lobby, each were chatting among themselves and all were still wearing their uniforms. You approached the hallway leading to Jimin's room and spotted all the paintings that were there except the painting that had been taken down but you never knew why or when it happened. 

As you approached the boys room the door was open and seemed welcoming,  you popped your head inside you noticed the room was empty. You saw no trace of Jimin in his room and so you walked ahead, most doors were opened as you glanced in and out of them and some were locked tightly. You brushed passed others searching until you saw the boys silky hair standing in front of a painting it was one that you hadn't seen before. You walked towards it as Jimin stood beside you and you both gazed at it deeply. 

A mother held her child into her chest her colored hair flowed next to her as she sat in her chair. The women was faceless and so was her child but it was a face that resembled her sons that was painless,ageless, and full of inerstrength and though she had no face the beautiful women smiled with dignity. 

 Patients moved along onto the large bus, people chatted and ate as you and Jimin sat close to one another and said nothing. It had began to rain the more the bus traveled. Most patients had fallen asleep but your eyes were steady at the seat in front of you. Jimin clenched onto his pillow he slowly began to tear the top cover of the pillow. You noticed this. 

"Jimin are you okay? Do you want a different pillow?" He chose to tear the pillow reaching it's insides as the pillows feathers fell onto his shoes. A glimpse of his smile flickered as he shut his eyes. 

Fire, there was so much fire. The painting was burning and the painting became into something else that  horrified him he shook his head in disbelief knowing exactly who he saw. His wings were large and his dark shadow became him as he felt his cold tears fall. It burned to pieces and he knew he was part of something he did not wish to be a part of . The room was familiar to me the dark wings would cross my mind as I felt the soft feathers from my past.

He reached his hand out to an old memory.

finale coming soon :)

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