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Fear ratchets along your bones through your muscles. Dr.Gyeong drove past you in definite state of mind, he was for sure going to check on Jimin. You walked quicker hoping the patient somehow found his way back and laid still until Dr.Gyeong arrived. You crossed paths to a park that was closed but you didn't hesitate to enter the park. 

You felt the bony twigs snap from under your steps and the grass swayed with the singing breeze. You began shouting Jimin's name holding onto your elbow from the flowing blood that would not stop. You passed benches and water fountains seeing no sign of Jimin, you stepped back feeling your back hit against something warm. You turned fast seeing two taller men towering over you. 

"Looking for something?" One man said stepping closer to you letting his cigarette fall from his fingertips as the much taller man behind him grinned. You nervously laughed falling over after the man pushed you harshly, you felt your ankle twist and looked over at the two men standing over you only laughing as the same man who had pushed you rose his fist. You shut your eyes expecting the worst. 

You heard the man groan in pain and opened your eyes gently seeing both men on the ground. You moved your head towards the sky seeing a man in a black hoodie kneeling next to you. He shifted his hoodie as it fell raveling your patient, Jimin.  Jimin helped you up placing your arm around his neck and with the other hand holding your waist tightly. 

You both walked along the empty sidewalk back to the hospital, you couldn't help but notice Jimin's hair moving perfectly with the wind and his eyes shuttered but matching well with his skin. His hand became delicate towards you the more you moved next to him. Jimin groaned from behind the black mask you had given him. 

"I can't take this anymore." He gently let go of you placing your hands by his sides and lifting you up carrying you in a bridal way. 

"After pushing you I felt bad, you shouldn't have to walk." He said bluntly keeping his eyes ahead. 

"Thank you." you mumbled under your breath. 


At this moment I didn't hear his voice. I heard my own voice. Fear was at my side for so long that I had been fine with it's presence there, my past would stand along with it such as other things that made me tremble at night. Pills, medications, vaccines, they weren't enough. I had the mistake of falling into deep water that I knew I was drowning in but did not hesitate to stay. He too stayed and swallowed poison at his own risk thinking it would do him better. He too stayed and burned alive. He too stayed and was hit with speed. He too stayed by the telephone booth. He too stayed bleeding from his hands. He too stayed dreaming. I stayed in an empty room with her.


You shut the door behind you leaving Jimin in his room, you caried the black clothes you let him barrow and surprisingly Dr.Gyeong hadn't arrived at the hospital yet. You walked towards the elevators feeling the pain in your ankle, waiting for the elevator doors to open. You only felt tired, you were ready to fall onto your mattress when getting home and receiving multiple messages from Seul that in plain words, annoyed the crap out of you. The doors opened revealing Dr.Gyeong typing away at his phone then almost startled seeing you.   

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He paused seeing your ankle limping and your hand scattered with blood from holding your elbow for so long. He led you to his office, later taking care of your elbow and ankle. You both talked quietly, laughing at small inside jokes. Dr.Gyeong walked close to his desk sitting in his large chair and flipping around through paperwork before facing you again. 

"Y/N I really must thank you for your hard work." He smiled moving files to the corner of his desk. 

"I enjoy working here, it's not as bad as I thought it would be." you softly laughed. Dr.Gyeong slid one of his files to you and eyed you to open it, as you opened it you saw glassy photographs of horizons and a large beautiful building with trees surrounding it and a small lake in the distance you read the top corner of the photograph Eirene Establishments .

"At least once a year we take our patients who have improved in their difficulties to this building and they get to enjoy themselves for a couple of days. Normally nurses tend to stay here and take care of the patients who couldn't attend and some take it as a break from their job for a little while." You smiled knowing patients can enjoy themselves in such a vacation. 

"This year, I'm taking one of the nurses with me." Dr. Gyeong stood from his chair walking towards you. 

"This year you will attend and I want you to be Jimins personal nurse throughout the trip."

What are you doing to me Y/N?

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