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[A/N- Apparently my book had difficulties publishing chapters and I typed a couple new chapters to fix it- it did not help- it also decided to mix up the chapters into a different order I also had to retype a chapter because it decided to delete , so I unpublished then published chapters again. Sorry for the delays. The rest of the chapters are for you to enjoy~]


I walked out of my apartment, feeling the tremendous pain in my head that would refuse to stop pounding. I had gone to sleep late due to the shouting that only seemed to echo into my room from the cities streets. I walked down the stairs reaching the pavement and walking my way to the hospital until I heard my name being called faintly. I turned my head towards the voice and saw Seul approaching me. He smiled and patted my head and I swatted his hand away from me.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked frowning.

"I didn't get enough sleep last night." I groaned.

"Ah so you heard the protesters?" He asked.

"Those were protesters?" He nodded and we both fell silent. I kept my eyes across the moving cars that passed us and the people rushing to work, some bumping into me but apologizing nicely and some just quickly walking past me and Seul. Seul began to speak again.

"I think I'm going to stop dating for while." You couldn't help but laugh at his statement and he looked towards you "Whats so funny? I'm serious! I think that" he paused "I think that I've been looking in the wrong place." He stated. You shook your head.

He pulled your arm across the pavement to a small shop and you both entered the shop. You saw an old women smiling at both of you from behind the counter and the shop was small but filled with a lot. Seul reached for wrapped bread and turned to you "Do you want anything y/n?" he asked softly.

You searched the store and your eyes moved seeing Tteokbokki crackers. You reached for them quickly and ran towards the counter feeling your stomach empty. The lady smiled "Ah, these are my favorites too." Seul reached the counter handing the lady cash and she smiled handing your Tteokbokki back, you stared at them and glanced at seul then pushed them back to her.

"You should have them, you must be hungry." you said smiling at her. She stared at the bag "No, No you bought them." you refused to receive the bag and the lady held them close and thanked you.


You pushed the cart heading down the hall reaching the tall white door, you opened it carefully pushing the cart in and shutting the door behind you. You stepped towards Jimin seeing him starring at the ceiling once again and as you approached he only seemed to look at you as if you had disturbed him in something important. Your smile faded slightly and he stood from his bed towering over you and he walked to the cart as you followed him. You both sat near the cart and you reached over for a small plate that had sliced apples and placed it in between both of you.

Jimin reached for a thin slice and chewed onto it slowly, his eyes fell across the room and he began to stare at the walls, you felt your stomach empty once again and the pain only seemed to grow. You reached for a slice yourself and popped it into your mouth chewing it slowly. Jimins eyes fell back at your direction and his eyes slightly widened at you as you chewed onto the apple slice. You felt the taste bitter as your tongue fell against it. You chewed onto it feeling the apple crumble against your teeth and as you swallowed, it only seemed to slide down your throat slowly. You turned towards Jimin seeing him starring at you, you felt your throat tighten and began coughing roughly as you coughed into your arm you only saw blood stained onto you sleeve. Your throat felt clogged to you and your eyes felt lazy as they shut.

She had fell

her eyes shut

I stood before her

It was unlocked

I could run

I could see the sky

I could feel the rain

I could listen to the rain

I could see the setting sun

I could feel the ocean

I could feel the warm sand between my toes

I could be with them again

I could smile again

I could



He stepped along the halls feeling the soft white carpet he glanced at the framed paintings crossing by him and he began pacing the halls. He approached the lobby, it was empty only chairs and desks filled up the large room and Jimin stepped near the cold grey door that called after him and he placed his hand onto it feeling it's cold touch and he gazed at the red exit sign that lightened him with joy. He could not go through this door. He could only feel fury if he had gone through this door. He ran across the lobby and seeing other halls, he ran through them then finally finding Dr.Gyeongs office. He pounded his hand against the door but no one answered so he ran from door to door opening, shutting, knocking on them until he did find one. The nurses starred at him in terror, they have heard the story, all of them had, and no one wished to approach him. Jimin reached for the arm of a nurse and pulled her, taking her to the room in which y/n was in. The nurse squirmed out of his grip.

"What are you doing? You're not supposed to be out of your room!" She shouted and Jimin tried to hold onto her arm once again but she pulled away. "You're not supposed to be here!" A man began to walk towards both Jimin and the nurse "Is there a problem here?" the man asked.

"Yes. This patient shouldn't be out of his room!" The nurse pointed at Jimin. The man scowled at him and Jimin quickly ran back to his room knowing the man would chase behind him. Jimin entered his room again and pushed the cart causing it to scatter onto the ground and as the man entered the room he saw you lying on the ground. More men arrived and began to carry you out of the room, Dr.Gyeong had heard of this and he quickly reached the room seeing all the men hurriedly walking back and forth across the room. The men quickly cleared out of the room after one of them spoke with Dr.Gyeong. Dr.Gyeong later saw Jimin standing and walked to him, Dr.Gyeong smiled at him and very very softly asked "What happened?" Jimin met his eyes and spoke quietly "She ate the apples sir." 

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