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I only seemed to walk farther and farther from my apartment and into the city, training was today and I was extremely shaken. Almost like a wake up call, but no one was calling you. You were calling yourself to wake up. After minutes I had reached the ever so popular hospital that I was going to be trained at. I hadn't heard much about it, I searched it up online and only saw five star ratings, I assumed it was popular. 

I stepped inside and maneuvered my way through the crowd of people trying to reach the front desk. The women starred at me as I walked to the desk with kind smile. 

"Hello, I'm just here for the nurse training. Do you happen to know which-" 

Before I could have even finished my sentence a husk voice called my name. I turned to face a man with a doctors coat and dark brown hair, smiling at me. I hadn't seen him before. 

"Miss Y/N! I'm Doctor Gyeong . I was the one that had called you yesterday to inform you about our training." 

I brought out my hand for a friendly handshake and he did the same. He quickly led me to the elevator and we both chatted as the elevator brought us to the top floor of the hospital. He seemed to keep bringing the subject of how patients hate taking their medications and hated visitors. He explained them as wanting to be alone most of the time and mostly thoughtless. 

He repeated to me not to worry, that I would soon enjoy working here. As we arrived at the top floor and the elevator doors opened, the white tiles glittered my way and almost called me into the floor. The place was large with hallways everywhere leading you to places I didn't know yet and there were women at the front desk dressed in all white clothing. The place was all white. 

Not a sign of color. I had been the only one wearing color. 


We hate this place

We wish to leave but can never find a way out 

We wish to see how the world is from the outside other than from the inside

We dread it, everyday we stay 

We can never seem to find freedom 

We only have our thoughts that keep us free

that make us free

that make us believe we are free

but when we open our eyes

we are stuck


Dr. Gyeong  led me to his office and had welcomed me to sit down.

"Mrs. Y/N before we exactly train you, would you mind signing paper work for us. We would really appreciate it here." 

I nodded as he handed me a pen. He swiftly faced his chair to a large file cabinet and gently handed me a packet that had too many words to read. I had no time to read all of it, so I had signed it fairly quickly and handed it back to him. He gave me a small smile and placed the packet aside and instead gave me an all white uniform. 

"After changing into our uniform, please meet Doctor Jiyeon in room 12. She will train you then she will have you visit your patient. The changing room is next door, bathroom for nurses is room 2, lunch break will always be at noon and as always if you need to speak with me you can come to this office." 

He smiled giving me a nod signaling me that I should leave.

After changing into the uniform I felt almost strange in someway. This place was not like any hospital I've seen- this floor was different from the first floor I was at only an hour ago. It seemed more different- I supposed I was just not used to the environment. 

I stepped out of the changing room and met  Doctor Jiyeon in room 12. She was starring at the clipboard on her hands. I stepped in and she quickly greeted me and motioned me to a different room. 

"This is the Arsenal room, you receive what you need for your patient here." 

I starred at the room with a frown, all there had been was a touch screen and a hole carved into the wall. 

"You might be slightly confused, I'll show you how it works." 

She read out loud a word that I guessed was a type of medicine and typed it  onto the touch screen hitting enter after. From the hole  that was carved into the wall the medicine had rolled out and onto the table.

She gave me a nod as if asking me if I understood. We then walked out and she led me to another room where there were dishes and silver where to feed the patients they had rolling carts as well, if the patient was assigned more food. After only minutes we had finished the small "Training" . 

"Do you have any questions?" she asked softly.

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