Chapter 2- Taunting Footballs

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[] A M E L I A []

Brown. Not quite like the color of mud, but more like the color of a chocolate cake.

That was the first splash of colour I saw in a long time. It was almost like it pulled me out of the void that I felt myself drowning in.

I snapped my eyes away from the mystery boy's gaze and headed to the back of the room, my head still hung low. The whispers continued on around me and I fisted my hands together in order to block them out. They weren't talking about me, but just thinking that they could be, was nauseating enough. 

To distract myself, I pulled out my notebook and pen. Just then, the professor walked in with a jolly smile on her face and a laptop bag in her hand. By the time I was settled, the professor had already begun the lecture. I was a week late enrolling into classes, and now, I couldn't afford to be more behind than I already was. Besides the piles of work that I had to catch up on already, the new material seemed to be taking a toll on my brain as well.

Before I knew it, the one hour and twenty minute lecture came to an end. I sighed and started packing my things. Once I was ready to go, I grabbed my bag and headed outside.

So far, I had concluded that this college wasn't half bad. I had already taken a liking for this place since they were the only one in the province willing to accommodate a dorm room for me, even though I was three weeks late in applying. I had wondered if there was something wrong with the school when I got the acceptance letter, but then I reminded myself that it's a community college and they probably would've accepted me no matter what. Not only that, it was quite a ways away from the city so I bet accepting me was good for them.

I made my way to my dorm room quietly and set down my things once I got inside. It was a single room, exactly what I had wanted, and there was enough space for me to actually spread out and not feel claustrophobic. It also faced away from the college itself, and instead, looked over to a garden of trees. I loved the place more than I could say.

Deciding to put my time to use, I began to unpack the rest of my luggage. It had already been three days since I came, and if my mother found out that I hadn't even unpacked yet, I would never hear the end of it. Starting with my clothes, I arranged the most I could into the small cubby hole, which was considered a closet in dorm rooms, then moved onto unpacking the rest. When I was done unbagging necessary items, I decided to take a break and move onto something else. Sitting at my desk, I pulled out the notes from today and started writing. 

For a moment, I briefly wondered if I could stay at peace like this for the rest of my life.

But that would be too much to ask for.

* * *

I was late to class. It was my second day here, and I was already late. I was studying so late into the night that I didn't even realize when I had  fallen asleep on the desk. Then I had woken up in the same position this morning. Very, very, late.

Shaking off my tiredness, I kept walking towards what I hoped was my destination. My sociology class started in less than ten minutes and I was still trying to locate it. Since asking someone was absolutely out of question, I stopped briefly to look for any sign that could lead me in the right direction. 

Suddenly, I heard loud noises coming up behind me and I tensed. It sounded like there was lots of cheering going on, and I had the sudden urge to get away from here as fast as possible. 

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