Chapter 47- Taunting Nerves

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It had been nearly 24 hours since I last saw Amelia. To say I was a wreck was an understatement. I couldn't stop pacing in my apartment, which probably bothered the downstairs people a lot. However, I couldn't help it.

My mind couldn't stop reeling with Amelia's agreement. When I popped the question, she only stared at me with gaping eyes, and let out a small nod. Then we all dispersed to get going to our classes.

I hadn't seen her since.

"Leo!" Andre called out after another few minutes. "Stop pacing. You're acting like you're getting married to her!"

That finally caused me to freeze and I swiveled in my spot to face Andre. He was standing a few feet away from me, guffawing like an idiot at my reaction.

However, the moment I grinned back, he froze too.

"You know what? Maybe I should do that."

And then, our roles were reversed, as I was now laughing my head off at his gaping face.

"Of course I wouldn't do that," I said, slowly sobering up.

Andre let out a relieved sigh at my words.

"-yet," I finished off.

And then Andre did a double take as he looked back to me, his mouth agape once again.

"Goodness Leo, you're a changed man," Andre said with a shake of his head.

I grinned.

"That doesn't sound too bad."

Andre smiled back.

"No, it doesn't. She changed you into a better, more approachable version of yourself. Basically, you're not a loser who shoos away people by glaring at them anymore, but that's about it," he said nonchalantly.

He then took a step back and gave me a once over. 

"Yeah. That's really it. I don't know what else she sees in you."

I gave him a flat look and he shrugged.

"You know it's true."

Before I could reply, Jamal finally stepped out of the bathroom and came to join us in the foyer.

"Ready to go?"

Andre nodded at him and with one final breath, I nodded too.

I had finally caught them up with what had happened between Amelia and I. I left out the important details, such as me kissing her and going over to her house for a date. But I simply told them that there may be a chance that we're together.

I wasn't quite sure what to describe us as, since we never made anything official. However, I'm sure that everyone can see that what I feel for her is quite past friendship, and it won't be changing any time soon.

As for her, she didn't push me away when I barged into her dorm saying we have a date, so I assume that means we're something, right? But now that I think about it, Amelia isn't one to say 'no' to many people. What if it was someone else that barged into her dorm, claiming that they'd be watching Netflix and having a date?

Would she have the same reaction?

And then would she let them kiss her?

Even the thought made me shudder.

I shook myself out of these thoughts, not wanting to think about it like that.

I should know her better than that. Of course she isn't like that.

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