Chapter 42- Taunting Recoveries

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[] A M E L I A []

After a while, Leo finally calmed down. He ended with a few sniffles, and then wiped away at his cheeks profusely. I had dropped my hand from his cheek at one point, and it was resting between us once again.

Once Leo was done calming himself down, he turned to me with a deep breath. His hand ended up beside mine on the bed, barely touching.

"Thank you Amelia. Thanks for being here and not running away."

I frowned at this.

"You don't have to thank me Leo. I would do anything to be there for you," I said, my hand grazing his.

At this, he shuffled closer to me, his hand grasping my own.

"Let me just appreciate you, Moonie."

I let his words sink in, and chose to stay silent. He only sighed and rubbed the pad of his thumb across my knuckles. I watched the movement, my heart beating faster with every stroke. After a few moments, he spoke again.

"Now you tell me Moonie," he suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"Why have you been hiding from me this past week?" he asked, a twinge of disappointment in his voice.

And now I felt as if I could die from guilt.

I stayed silent after his question, unsure of how to phrase my feelings. After a moment of silence, he let out a small breath and shifted himself lower so that his gaze was in level with mine.

He slowly pulled his hand away from mine, and lowered it onto my face. His fingertips grazed my lips, his eyes zeroing in on them too. I let in a shaky breath at his gesture, unable to look away from him.

"Was it because I kissed you?"

The bluntness of his question caused my cheeks to flame. Before I knew it, I was quickly shaking my head in disagreement.

When I realized how stupid that must've looked, I stopped immediately. Leo smirked at my answer, causing my blush to deepen.

"Alright, then what was it?" he asked softly.

I sighed and shuffled closer to him, my hair sprawling behind me. I looked him right in the eye as I spoke, wanting to let him know how sorry I was for that.

"I don't want to see you get hurt Leo," I honestly said.

Leo sighed and moved even closer to me.

Now, there was nothing left. If he moved any closer, I'd be a goner.

"Is it because of Jackson?"

I stayed silent at his question, and in response, he only sighed. 

"Avoiding me won't solve anything Moonie. Besides, I'm supposed to be my princess's knight in shining armor," he said with a low chuckle.

I squeezed his hand, my eyes widening in worry.

"You don't know what he's capable of Leo," I whispered.

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