Chapter 17- Taunting Apologies

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[] T H I R D  •  P E R S O N []

The moment the MC announced Leo's name, the crowd cheered loudly. However, all but four audience members were enjoying this.

Sitting at table #4, almost 5 meters away from the stage, were Andre, Gemma, Amelia, and Jamal. Hearing their best friend's name, Andre and Jamal turned to each other and shared a confused look. Gemma and Amelia did the same on the other side.

The only one unaffected by this was Leo himself, who was busy tuning his guitar on stage. He sat patiently on a lone stool in the middle of the stage, waiting for the mini curtain in front of him to be lifted. Granted, he was a little nervous since he hadn't played in a while, but the moment he saw Amelia's shaken form flash in his mind, he was confident all over again.

Back at Table 4, Gemma looked away from Amelia and faced the root cause of the problem, Andre Perez. He was sitting in front of her, making this somewhat easier for her. She turned to him as soon as Amelia and Jamal looked away, and gave him a confused look.

'What is going on?' Gemma mouthed to Andre.

Andre simply shrugged, although by now, he had a good idea of what Leo was about to do.

Within seconds, the curtain was finally lifted, revealing Leo in all his glory. A spotlight lit up his features, and he grimaced. Once he was used to the brightness, he cleared his throat and pulled the microphone he was supposed to sing into a little closer.

"Evening guys," Leo said to the crowd.

In response, the crowd cheered loudly.

Jamal and Andre continue to stare at him in shock. At first, they wished it was some completely random Leo Kennedy who also happened to play guitar; however, the person on stage was the same person they had come to know as their closest friend. It was the same Leo who had not played the guitar in nearly five years, who was now sitting on a stool in the middle of the stage, ready to play for an audience.

It was then that they knew, just exactly why Leo had summoned them here, and in particular, why he had asked for Amelia to be here.

Leo Kennedy was going to apologize to someone in his style.

"I'm not very good at this, so I'm just going to get to the main point. There's a song that I will be singing tonight and I want to dedicate it to someone. I don't know how she'll feel about me announcing her name, and her best friend might just rip my head off, so I won't say it. But she knows who she is."

The audience cooed at his words and Leo breathed out a sigh of relief.

Amidst the loud noise, Amelia could faintly hear the sound of her own heart beating. Somehow, she knew that Leo's words were directed at her.

'But it couldn't be,' she thought, racking her brain for any other plausible explanation behind his words.

Before she could finally comprehend what he had said, Leo strummed the guitar once and spoke.

"Here it goes:

The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

The moment Leo started singing, Amelia's eyes widened in surprise. She absolutely adored this song, and the fact that he was singing it, somehow made her cheeks turn a scarlet red. Her heart beat picked up, and she pulled at her sleeves subconsciously.

I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide

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