Chapter 36- Taunting Gestures

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The ride home was silent. I didn't say a word, in fear that I might blurt out something absolutely stupid to Amelia. She didn't say much either, only looking over at me every so often. Once we reached the campus, I dropped her off at her dorm. She thanked me once again, her eyes shining with so much happiness that I had to look away. I only nodded to her and she left saying goodbye.  

Once she was in her building, I let out a deep breath and put my head against the steering wheel. After a few minutes, I pulled back and sighed. Then, I headed for my apartment.

When I got to my building, I parked in my usual spot and slowly got out of my car. I trudged towards my apartment with a heavy heart, and headed inside.

The silence of my house greeted me when I entered, and I sighed, making my way further in. I walked into my living room and slumped on the couch. Throwing an arm over my eyes, I settled further into the couch, letting the silence consume me.

My mind was in a mess. Thoughts plagued every corner of my brain and I didn't know what to focus on anymore. Suddenly, Clara's words popped into my head above all others.

"I was about to die that day Leo. When Carl broke up with me, then the whole bus scenario. I was about to die if she hadn't saved me on that bus."

And now, I was picturing all the scenarios that could've happened if Amelia and Clara hadn't met that day.

A lifeless Clara on the ground-

Blood surrounding her-


Mom crying somewhere-

And Clara's soulless eyes looking back at me-

I jerked awake, my eyes snapping open and quickly looked around my apartment. Everything was still the same.

I let out a breath and settled back into the couch.

'It's okay. Clara is safe. Amelia saved her.'

I let out a few deep breaths to calm my erratic heart down. After a minute, I finally composed myself. The last thought clung to me, and I couldn't help but think of the day Clara was telling me about.

It was an odd day, that one. Mom had gotten a call from the school that Clara had left the grounds at lunch, however, no one had seen her leave. Instinctively, I kept dialling Clara's number, but she never picked up. As I went to the balcony for fresh air, and also to be on the lookout for her, a cab suddenly pulled up in our driveway. When I saw Clara through the window, I had immediately ran to her. Clara then came in the house, happier than I had seen in months, and talked about getting therapy. Then she told us about the girl she met who showed her that life was truly worth living.

I thought about the mystery girl day and night. I couldn't help but think of how someone so pure and angelic is only made for the heavens. When no one else was willing to help my sister when she struggled in her wheelchair, she stepped forward.

And of course, that girl happened to be Amelia Harrison of all people.

I don't know how it turned out this way. The girl who caused my heart to skip a beat nearly four years ago, was the same one who was causing the volcanic emotions erupting through me now. She had saved me before we even knew each other.

And somehow, that thought made me smile.

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