Chapter 6- Taunting Escapes

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A gasp escaped my lips and I stood frozen in my spot.

My mind was telling me to run. But my heart... my heart was frozen. It was taking me to a place I didn't want to return to. A place I had been numb to for so long. It was sucking me into the past and I was letting it.

One by one, flashes of memories upon memories kept going through my mind and I couldn't stop them.

"She caused this-"

The voices in my head empowered those around me.

"Why is she not punished too-"

I couldn't tell where I was anymore.

"She's just as responsible. She knew what was about to happe-"

Suddenly, someone bumped into me, effectively pulling me out of my reverie. They didn't stop to check on me, and for that, I was grateful. The less attention on me, the better.

Once I snapped out of it, I turned to locate the people again and saw them approaching from behind the library building. None of them had seen me yet, and that was miracle enough for me.

As the group got closer, my mind suddenly caught up with my heart and eventually, my mind won.

And I ran.

I ran away from them as fast as I could. But their voices wouldn't stop. They kept coming closer, and I hoped, prayed, that they wouldn't see me. That he wouldn't see me.

But it's like he knew me. He knew it was me. That's why everywhere I went, he seemed to follow.

So I continued to run.

I suddenly came upon an alleyway of some sort. It was between two campus buildings but the sun was hiding behind the buildings, making it dark and secluded in this area. Without thinking twice, I ran in.

However, I was not prepared for what I saw.

At first, I was too shaken up from running that it took me a moment to get myself together. When I did come to my senses, I saw that I unfortunately was not alone in the alley.

Across from me, a guy had another guy pushed against the wall, with a hand roughly grabbing his collar. He was whispering something to him, and from this angle, it looked threatening. Suddenly, their attention fell on me and my eyes widened in surprise. I couldn't see their faces, since one was covered in a hood, and the other was surrounded by darkness.

Again, I couldn't move.

Where was I to go? Leaving wasn't an option, since the guy I was running from seemed to be getting closer. But going further into the alley also meant a probable death sentence.

So for now, I stood in the middle of the dark alleyway, unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, the guy who had been holding the other guy up by his collar, let go. The guy fell to his feet and scrambled to get out. On his way out of the alleyway, he glared at me.

And here I thought he would be happy I saved him.

The guy who had been threatening him, continued standing there. Suddenly, he inched towards me, finally coming into the light, and I gasped in surprise.

"You seem to be everywhere," he said humorlessly.

'Run or stay. Run or stay?'

Suddenly, the voices got closer.

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