Chapter 10- Taunting Reunions

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[] L E O []

"How are you so fucking lazy for a basketball player?!" Andre exclaimed frustrated.

Jamal groaned in response and continued his attempt to fall asleep on my couch. Andre huffed and kicked him in the shin.

Jamal threw a pillow at him response.

I sighed at the two.

Suddenly, Andre turned to me with a grin.

"Hey Leo-"

"I'm not running with you Andre." I stated.

He pouted at me.

"Why not?"

"Because my paper for English is due tomorrow you dufus," I said, continuing to type away.

"What paper do you keep talking about? Amelia hasn't mentioned it," Andre said.

I clicked my tongue at the mention of her name.

"Fine," I said, shutting my laptop screen down to stare at him. "There is no paper. I'm not going with you because there are many other things I would like to do with my Sunday afternoon, Andre."

Andre sighed.

"If Amelia was here, she'd join me," Andre mumbled.

"Well good thing I'm not Amelia," I said waving him off.

Andre sighed dramatically once more and started heading towards the door.

"I can't wait till she comes back!" Andre said, walking through the door.

I shook my head and sighed.

Ever since we found out that she was gone for the weekend, my mind was in a turmoil. On the one hand, I was ecstatic. Finally, the confusion called Amelia had temporarily left our mini group.

But on the other hand, I felt like absolute shit.

I kept thinking of all the times I had treated her like crap, and every time, I felt horrible about it. On top of that, I hadn't seen her since I dropped her off at her dorm on Monday night. This made me feel more uneasy.

I couldn't understand what was going through my mind.

All I knew, was that just like Andre, I had been waiting for Amelia to come back all this time too.

* * *

[] A M E L I A []

It was Sunday evening now, the perfect time for me to start heading back to my dorm. The city was an hour away from here, and I knew I had to leave now before it got too dark.

After we loaded everything I had brought for myself in my car, I finally bid farewell to my parents. My mother once again couldn't stop her waterworks, but my dad held her back, allowing me to escape quickly. I let out a small chuckle and started heading to my car.

Giving them one final wave, I was out on the road and on the way to my temporary home.

* * *

Monday rolled round quicker than expected, and before I knew it, I was sitting in my regular spot in Sociology, pulling out my notebook for lecture notes. Suddenly, a shadow loomed beside me and I looked up in surprise, only to be met by Andre's pouting face.

He plopped down in his regular seat beside me and sighed. He propped up his elbow on the table, dropped his chin into his empty palm, and tilted his body to face me.

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