Chapter 45- Taunting Nights

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It had officially been four days since Leo came back. Though it seemed like enough time to meet over and over again, Leo and I had only met for our usual lunches. We had been busy with studying and just couldn't find time to meet up more than that.

But more importantly, I was trying to give him space. After everything that happened back home for him, I didn't want to corner him with my questions.

However, I was growing impatient. There was so much I wanted to ask him. Such as how Clara, James, and Laura were doing, and then about Jamal's party invite.

It was clear that Jamal was trying to invite me to a party, and that Leo was disagreeing. But why was the question. Not that I was mad at Leo, but I was confused as to why Jamal would want to invite me to a party. Did he really think I would come?

Instantly, my mind veered off to the last time I was at a party. And as if it were happening in this moment, my mind started reeling with memories of that night.

Suddenly, I was walking the crowd with John right in front of me and as I made my way through, I saw Levi-

And I was hurting.

I was hurting. Hurting, hurting, hurting-

Before my thoughts continued to consume me, I heard a knock at my door. Surprised, I straightened up in my chair. I slowly got up from my spot, my head still spinning with thoughts of parties. I made my way to the door slowly, and let out a breath as I opened the door.

Ever so slowly, I raised my eyes off the ground and looked up to see who was here at this time of day. It was late evening on a Thursday night, and I wasn't expecting anyone at this hour.

My breath caught in my throat as my eyes came in contact with his.

"Hey Moonie," Leo casually said.

I blinked at him, unsure of how to respond.

"Um...hi?" I squeaked out.

I rubbed my arm out of instinct as I stared at him confused.

"How did you get in?" I asked stupidly.

To my surprise, Leo smirked at me. He slowly brought up one hand and cupped it to the side of his mouth, as if he was telling me some huge secret. Instinctively, I leaned towards him a little.

"I picked the lock."

My eyes widened at his words and my mouth fell agape.

"Wait- what?"

And once again surprising me, Leo laughed at me. It was a small laugh, enough to showcase only one of his dimples, but it was enough to leave me breathless.

"Goodness, who do you take me for, Moonie? Some bad boy out of a novel? Of course I didn't pick the lock. I just waited for someone to come to the door like a normal college student," he said, still smiling.

I frowned at his words.

"Wait, why didn't you just call me?"

He shrugged.

"I wanted to surprise you."

My cheeks reddened at his words and I nodded meekly.

"Oh," I only said.

There was a moment of silence, until Leo spoke again.

"Hey Moonie," he said.

I looked up at him, trying my best not to faint from his gaze.

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