Chapter 4- Taunting Walks

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"Leo Kennedy... I heard she's quite the gold digger. Your mom, I mean."

I froze.

Every part of me forgot how to function.

At first, I was confused.

Then I was angry as hell.

Slowly I turned around and faced the guy who had spoken.

He was standing up now, swaying on his feet. The girl that was with him, now stood beside him, holding him up so he could stand upright.

"What did you just say?" I asked venomously.

The guy smirked.

"Your mom. Heard she married quite the guy, after sending her first husband to-"

It was like complete rage had taken over me.

I couldn't hear or say what anyone else around me was saying.

All I saw, was burning rage.

A rage to annihilate the person who said it.

In one swift movement, I was in front of the guy, my fist coming into contact with his face before he could finish the sentence. The girl he was latching onto, took a shocked step back, making it easier for me to grab onto the piece of garbage and shoce him against a nearby table.

I punched him repeatedly, and both of us eventually fell to the ground. He fought back, but I was faster.

I was stronger.

I was raging.

I don't know how many times I hit him, or how many times he hit me. All I know is, that I was not done. Even after I was pulled away from him, even after I saw the look of horror on the faces of the people surrounding us, and even after Jamal and Andre had dragged me out of the Pub, I still wasn't done with him.

Once it hit me that my shoes were touching the grass outside instead of the laminate floor of the club, I let out a strangled yelp and pulled out of Jamal's hold. I slammed my palm down on a nearby tree, kicked it once, and still, it wasn't enough. Finally, I slumped down against the tree and sat there, wondering about what the hell had just happened.

"Relax, man. He didn't know what he was talking about," Andre said from somewhere around me.

"Yeah man. Let's just go home. Come on, Leo," Jamal said.

The two of them dragged me up and we made our way to the car in a heavy bundle of limbs. Andre and Jamal were trying to hold me together, but it was a futile attempt.

Somehow we got into the car, and all the way home, I thought about the guy's words.

'Where the fuck did he even get that from? ' I wondered.

And how dare he say that to my face?

How dare he try to pry into my past?

* * *

I woke up with a pounding headache. My apartment was awfully quiet, even though Andre and Jamal had both stayed over. I sat up in my bed, my feet dangling over the edge, and ran a hand through my hair in annoyance. I stayed sitting there for a long time, thinking about the events of last night.

"I heard she's quite the gold digger."

A low growl left me and I frustratingly slammed my hand against my side table. It was then I noticed that my hands were not attended to last night. Dried blood lined both my knuckles and I winced just by looking at it.

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