Chapter 41- Taunting Mournings

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"His father passed away in jail Amelia."

Andre's words rang in my head like a broken record. I couldn't get the newfound information out of it.

Leo's father, the same father who abused his Laura, caused so much pain to Clara, was now dead.

I quickened my pace, a shiver going down my spine as I thought of him. I headed in the direction of Leo's apartment, the only place I think he would be at this moment. Neither Jamal or Andre had visited him yet, and I wasn't sure why they were urging me to go first. However, I didn't question it further either. I simply wanted to see him. 

I quickly made it to his building, completely ignoring the cold brewing around me. Once I got there, I stopped under the entrance shelter and let out a deep breath. After I regained my breath, I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket and dialed his number. I slowly brought the phone to my ear, my hands shaking slightly due to the cold. And nerves. Mostly nerves.

Feeling disappointed when Leo didn't pick up by the fourth ring, I dejectedly pulled the phone away from my ear. However, just as I had pulled my phone away, the incessant ringing stopped and the timer on the call started. My eyes widened in surprise and I brought my phone back to my ear.

Just as I wished, I heard even breathing on the other side. For the next few minutes, both of us stayed silent, until finally, I spoke.

"Where are you Leo?" I asked.

I heard him sigh on the other side.

"In my room."

"Open the downstairs door," I murmured.

Instantly I heard shuffling on the other end, and a string of curse words leaving Leo's mouth. Then he shut the call.

As I waited for him to buzz the door open, I suddenly felt nervous. I had blatantly avoided him for the past week, and suddenly, I decided to show up at his door. That too, only when I had heard bad news. Would he hate me for that? 

Before my mind could start spewing out more nonsense, I heard the familiar buzz coming from the door. I quickly opened the door and made my way up the steps to his apartment. Once I reached his front door, I stopped and took a deep breath before knocking. The door opened almost instantly, and I froze at the sight before me. 

I didn't know what I was expecting to see him doing. Maybe holding a liquor bottle in hands, as he swayed side to side? Maybe a girl by his side as she giggled in his neck? Or maybe with bloody knuckles, as if he just punched his anger out? And although all of these scenarios were absolutely bizarre and un-Leo-like, I wasn't expecting to see him like this either. 

Leo was wearing a classic 'Lethbridge College' hoodie and sweatpants that hung low on his waist. His attire was disheveled, his hair sticking out in many directions and dark black circles covered the underside of his eyes. A slight stubble was growing on his face, indicating he hadn't shaved. His eyes were wide as he saw me on the other side, his mouth slightly agape. He simply looked tired. 

"Amelia? What are you-"

Before he could continue what he was saying, I reached forward and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

At first, we were both frozen from my gesture. His hands stayed splayed in the air, while I tightened mine around his neck.

I didn't care that I was barely inside his apartment yet, and that the door was still ajar. All I know, was that I was thrilled to see that Leo was here. That he wasn't drinking away his problems, or wasn't using a girl as an excuse, or wasn't punching his walls. I was relieved to see him safe in his apartment. 

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