Chapter 40- Taunting Heartaches

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I trudged to Sociology with a heavy heart.

After telling Leo what I truly felt on Saturday night, a commotion broke us apart. Jamal had come out of his room, cussing violently about something. Leo had sighed and moved away from me, but I still felt his excruciating gaze on me. However, my attention landed on Jamal. I had never heard him swear so loud before, and my eyes widened even further when I saw him glaring at someone behind him. To my surprise, Eric came trudging out of the room, scratching the back of his head in confusion.

"Your snoring sounds like a fucking garbage truck!" Jamal yelled.

And then he shut his door closed, leaving poor Eric still standing there confused. With a huff, Leo announced that he'd drive Eric home. Then, he turned to me and simply pointed to Andre's door, silently telling me to stay in there. After one last look at Gemma and Andre's passed out form on the couch, I obliged and he left soon after. He never came back, leaving me more of a mess than I already was.

I left early the next morning, not in the mood to stay for breakfast. I had told Gemma, Andre and Jamal, that I needed to go home and study, to which they nodded and let me off. I spent the rest of Sunday hiding away in my room.

Monday accounted for the fourth day in a row that I avoided Leo, and still counting. I sighed and walked through the doors of Sociology class, thinking of excuses to get out of having our usual lunch at Coffee Rush. Gemma and Andre were seated in their regular seats, leaving the middle one vacant for me. I made my way to my seat and silently sat down. We all mumbled out our greetings and then buried ourselves in our work.

Andre and Gemma had been surprisingly quiet today, whereas they would usually be having an animated conversation or argument about a topic. It was odd to see them this way, but I assumed it was the stress of finals for now. However, something told me there was more to it than that. They had been acting weird lately, but I couldn't figure out what had happened. Before I could think too much of it, the professor began the lecture.

All throughout the class, I tried my best to stay focused. It worked for the most part, but other times, all I did was think of Leo.

There was no escaping him. Every time I had a moment to myself, all I did was think about him. My lips still tingled from the kiss we shared, and my toes curled in, thinking of his words.

But what would he do when he found out what Jackson was capable of? But more than that, did I want him to find out?

Did I want to put him in danger like that?

The answer was simple: Never.

So I'll stay silent. For as long as I can, I will not cave into to Leo.

* * *

I was caving in.

I pressed the voicemail repeat button once more and pursed my lips as I waited to hear his voice on the other end.

"Don't worry moonie. Whenever you realize that you aren't scared anymore, I'll be here."

A shaky breath escaped my lips as I heard his voicemail for the third time. His voice was husky and strong on the other end, as it always was, but there was more to it now. He sounded determined, unwavering, with a hint of something that shook me to the core.

Leo Kennedy was serious.

Not that he isn't most of the time, but this time, he was not letting me give up easily. He wasn't giving up easily.

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