Chapter 19- Taunting Bonds

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[] A M E L I A []

My eyes widened in surprise, and I did a double take as I stared at him. He looked older than I last saw him, more mature even, but he still had the hint of child-like innocence in his eyes. He was speaking to the class about English Literature, something I knew he was passionate about since high school.

My breathing hitched and I found myself slumping deep in my chair. He hadn't noticed me yet, and I hoped he didn't at all. I held my breath for the rest of the class, hoping he wouldn't see me, and if he does, that he wouldn't recognize me. The latter would probably work.

As soon as he finished the lecture, everyone clapped and waited a minute before packing their things. I followed, eager to get out of here as quickly as possible. I packed away all my belongings hastily and slung my bag over my shoulder. As I turned around to face Leo, I found him already staring at me.

"What's wrong?" he suddenly asked.

I frowned and shook my head.


He frowned back.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded quickly. He gave me an unsure look and sighed.

"Alright then, Moonie. Whatever you say," he muttered, brushing past me.

I sighed and followed after him down the ramp. Hopefully, his height could block John from seeing me. As we made it to the door, I suddenly rammed into Leo's back, since he had abruptly stopped.

"Oh wait Moonie," he said, turning around to face me. "I have a question for Benny real quick."

He then went past me to head to the stage, where Professor Benny was packing away his stuff. I soon realized that looking after Leo was a mistake, since my eyes landed on John, who was also on the stage speaking to some students. He looked relaxed and carefree as he spoke, making me wonder how much he had changed in the last few years.

Just as I was about to turn back around, John's eyes landed on my own. My eyes widened and I stared at him shock.

For a moment, I was transported back into the time when he used to own a locker only ten away from mine. I used to walk by him every day, saying a bright 'Hello' and he used to reply the same. But that all changed four years ago. Then, he wasn't there anymore. And neither were the people that connected us.

I snapped back to reality and found myself still staring into those bright hazel orbs. His mouth fell agape as he stared at me from the stage. Suddenly, he said something to the students, and before I knew it, he was making his way toward me. Unsure of what to do, I quickly spun around and started walking in the direction of the door. However, before I could reach it, a shadow blocked my path. I gasped with surprise and took a step back. I looked up, my eyes connecting with John's.

"Amelia?" he asked, his voice almost identical to as it was four years ago.

I stood frozen in my spot and he continued staring at me in surprise.

"It really is you," he muttered, his eyes trailing over my features.

Before I could respond, I felt another presence behind me. The smell of the misty cologne was all too familiar, and I didn't have to turn around to see that it was Leo who was behind me.

"Let's go, Moonie," he said.

As if just sensing the atmosphere he had walked into, I felt Leo tense behind me. He slowly walked around me and came to a stop beside me. John eyed him and then gave him a small smile.

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