Chapter 67- Taunting Hospitals

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[] A M E L I A []

I felt like a teenager again. I couldn't stop the tingles in my body, the butterflies in my stomach, and I couldn't stop looking over to Leo every few seconds. He was driving now, and despite him being hurt still, he didn't complain about it. He had one hand on the wheel, the other clutching mine tightly.

Despite all of what happened today, I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I guided Leo back to my house. It wasn't far from here surprisingly, which just showed how poorly Jackson had planned all this.


A shiver racked through my body as I thought of that again. The gun pointed at my face. And most importantly, the truth of that night.

Levi didn't kill Brittany.

He didn't even touch her.

I'm sure of it now more than ever.

I think he and I faced the same problem all these years. We blamed ourselves for Brittany's loss. The difference in both of our sentences was that he spent his punishment behind bars while I lived it in the outside world.

And neither of us were to blame in the end.

I let out a deep breath, a few tears escaping me on instinct. Suddenly I felt a soft pressure on the back of my hand. I snapped my head up to the side, only to see Leo's lips pressing tenderly on my knuckles as he held my hand. A pleasant shudder ran through me at his actions.

He pulled back after a moment and turned to look at me. I had just noticed then that we had stopped in front of my house.

I turned back around to face Leo, and his eyes were already set on me this time. We didn't say anything. I just watched him as he ran his thumb over the back of my hand, pulling it to his lips every so often, leaving short kisses on it. He finally broke the silence, his gaze burning into my own.

"I'm ready when you are Moonie."

I let out a deep breath and faced the front. Slowly, I let go of Leo's hand and reached for the door. We got out at the same time, Leo quickly jogging over to my side. He then held my hand in his own, and started leading us up my driveway. I pressed closer to him for warmth, and he gladly pulled me under his arm, pressing a soft kiss to the side of my head. I let out a deep breath, finally releasing all the tension that was built up in me.

We walked up the driveway quickly, and once we were on my porch, Leo and I pulled away from each other. He looked down at me for a moment, smiling softly at me before finally letting go of my hand. When he did, I quickly pulled out my house keys and made my way inside.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out as I entered the foyer.

On instinct, I heard footsteps coming down the hall. A moment later, dad's face came into view. His eyes were red, his face blotchy with tears. My heart cracked as I saw him and without a word, I stepped forward and leaped into his arms. Leo's jacket that was still around me all this time, fell to the floor softly. Dad's arms wound tightly around me, his one hand patting my hair down.

"Amelia, oh honey. I'm so glad you're alright," he said into my hair.

I cried into his arms, all the events from today finally kicking in.

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