Chapter 49- Taunting Parties (2)

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[] A M E L I A []

I was frozen to the ground. The sound of my laboured breath seemed to be the only noise in the once loud room.

"Isn't it funny, that this girl is allowed to be here, knowing that her brother killed her best friend?"

Collective gasps were heard around the room. Stares were directed at me. Fingers were pointed in my direction, as people whispered to each other.

I couldn't think.

My mind could not decipher what was happening right now.

I felt a nudge to my side, and I vaguely saw Gemma from the corner of my eye.

Was she saying something?

I wouldn't know.

Because my ears were ringing, and my head felt like it was going to split in half.

All of a sudden, a person came through the crowd, another spotlight on them.

And it made sense that he was here.

His face was bruised, yet the rest of him looked pristine, as if he was a normal boy who was just attending a friend's party. But I saw it in his sinister smile. I saw the crazy in his eyes. The vileness that was shining in his demeanor.

I saw how he wanted to hurt me.

Jackson stepped closer to me, the microphone still in his hand.

"How is it, Amelia Harrison, that you're allowed to be here?" he spoke menacingly.

I felt like I was going to throw up.

No, I was going to die.

That's it.

Because there was no other way to describe the splitting ache in my chest.

He took another step closer.

Just then, another figure came in front of me, facing him.

"Stop it Jackson. Amelia had nothing to do with Brittany's death," Gemma said with a glower.

Jackson glared at her. She held her ground, her fists clenched beside her as she stood up to Jackson for me. However, the moment was short lived.

I gasped with surprise as he took a hold of her wrist and pushed her away. She fell into a group of girls, who all caught her with surprise.

"No," I gasped out, turning to Gemma.

However, before I could even take a step forward, Jackson's hand latched onto my wrist and tugged me back. I panicked as he held me, but instead of doing anything, I froze in fear. Jackson sneered down at me, his hand tightening on my wrist.

He finally took the microphone away from his lips and leaned in closer to me, his face inches from mine. I wanted to do something. Push him away, scream, or do anything else. But I couldn't. I was paralyzed with fear.

"And why is it Amelia Harrison, that you have no remorse for what you did to my sister?" he said quietly to me.

I sucked in a whimper, tears falling down my cheeks in a frenzy. I shook my head at him.

'I didn't do it, I didn't do it, I didn't do it-'

Another step closer.

Mustering enough courage, I spoke up to him.

"Stop this Jackson. This won't bring her back," I whimpered.

Instead of him softening as I was hoping, his eyes hardened even more.

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