Chapter 50- Taunting Antics

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Heads up lovelies, this chapter can either make you, or break you. But it is my absolute favoristist (yes, that's a word now) up until now! Proceed with caution because Leo Kennedy and Amelia Harrison are going to mess with your hearts 😭


[] A M E L I A []

My lungs stopped functioning.

I stared at Leo, my mouth agape, and his words running through my mind like a marathon.

"You saved my sister, you saved my friends, you saved me. You have it Amelia. That's what makes people love you so easily. That's what makes me love you easily."

I sucked in a breath, my hands unintentionally tightening on his arms.

"I love you Amelia Harrison. Because you're you."

No. This can't be true. Absolutely not.

I watched him carefully. He was still on his knees in front of me, his one hand on my cheek, the other wrapped around me to keep me warm. His face was almost in level with mine, and the fact that he was slightly looking up to me as he said all this, caused a frenzy of emotions to run through me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, not letting his soft eyes impact me.

This couldn't be happening right now. Not now.

Not when I had relived the biggest nightmare of my life.

Not when our date had gone so wrong.

Not now.

Before either of us could say a word, we heard footsteps coming our way. The sound snapped us out of the trance we were in, and both of us looked over to see who was approaching us.

To my surprise, Leo didn't let go of me as we turned, instead, he gripped my waist tighter, as if he was ready to protect me if need be. I ignored the feeling brewing in me as he did this, and focused my gaze on Andre who was walking up to us now. He had a worried look on his face, and he didn't waste a second in coming to sit beside me on the bench. Leo finally dropped his hand from my cheek, since I had to face Andre, although he looked as if he wanted to do anything but that now.

Shifting my focus away from Leo, I turned to Andre. Behind him, Jamal and Gemma were approaching us as well. They all gave me sympathetic looks, but I didn't want that right now. I just wanted to go home.

"Amelia?" Andre timidly called out.

I wanted to respond. I wanted to say something. However, the moment I opened my mouth, only a strangled sob escaped me. Arms surrounded me then, Andre's soft voice calming me down.

I hid my face in his chest, not wanting to see anyone's face right now. I heard Leo cursing, and Gemma saying something, but I couldn't comprehend anything right now.

I just wanted to go home.

* * *

The ride to Leo's apartment was quiet. It was decided that's where we'd all be going, since no one wanted to leave me alone in my dorm in this state. I didn't want to go to Leo's, but Gemma had convinced me, saying that it's better for me to be with someone tonight.

But how could I tell her that that someone can't be Leo. Not after what he told me.

For now, I stayed silent. Andre had taken it upon himself to calm me down. Leo had to be the one driving, since he didn't drink tonight and Jamal didn't want to drive in this weather. He didn't want to though, and I could tell since he was visibly shaking, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. Jamal sat in the passenger seat, his eyes flickering to me worriedly every few minutes. Gemma was silent, her quiet sniffles letting me know she was also hurt by tonight's events. I simply hid my face in Andre's chest, his presence oddly reminding me of John. John was also like Andre in a way. He was there for me like no one else was. Almost like a brother.

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