Chapter 4

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~Yin's POV~

I couldn't stop smiling as I headed inside. I don't know if I quite understood what happened but I needed to clean up my knee from when I fell and apply some bandages. Whatever Xiumin did to my knee really helped-it doesn't sting as much as it did and the bleeding had long stopped.

I decided to take a shower to clean up my knees and the rest of me while I was there; I was definitely in need of a nice, warm shower after going out today. I turned on the water and dipped my head under, it was warm as it ran down my neck and back. I ran my hands through my hair and plucked out an apple scented shampoo from the shelf nearby.

After my shower I wrapped a white, fluffy blanket around my body and left the bathroom. My apartment wasn't fancy or anything and so I had a short corridor connecting my bedroom, the living room, the kitchen and bathroom. There was a small guest room connected to the living room and my kitchen had a table and chairs in it so it doubled up as a dining area. I walked down the hall to my room and opened the door. Before turning on the light I thought I saw a shadow near my bed, but when I flicked the switch there wasn't anything there. I hurried over to the window and I shivered when I touched the glass. I couldn't see anything. Maybe I was being paranoid.

I shuffled over to my bed and began to wrap up my knee with the bandages that I kept in my bedside table. 

~Kai's POV~

I decided to go and check on Yin again today. My brothers call me creepy because I watch her going about her daily life.. Well it sounds creepier than it is! I walked out of our house to see that it was still early in the morning and the sun hadn't risen yet. It was cold out and there was a faint breeze that ruffled my hair. 

I swiftly walked down the stoney path towards her apartment building. As I got closer, I could smell her scent. She smelt so sweet- the others understood how desperately I wanted her and that's why I wasn't allowed to be near her. I could smell something else.. Blood? Was she hurt? I couldn't hold myself back and needed to make sure Yin was okay. If something had happened to her... I don't know what I'd do.

I managed to teleport inside of her room and listen in to what she was doing. I could hear the sound of running water and I chuckled as I heard her singing.

"Gosh.. She's so cute," I whispered to myself.

 I assumed she was taking a shower and decided I'd have the time to look around her room. 

The walls of her room were a pale lilac colour and the carpet was white and soft. She had a bed on the right hand side which was covered by a dark purple quilt. She had matching pillows and I spotted a teddy lying atop of one. It was old and worn, probably well-loved, and had a blue ribbon tied around it's neck like a bow. There was a small window on the opposite side of the room, adjacent to a oak, chest of draws; on top of which were many scattered papers and photos. 

I looked around her room picking up and occasional photo and studying it. One was of her and her parents. They were all smiling and held ice creams in their hands. I couldn't help but to fantasise about Yin and me taking a picture like this. I quickly snapped out of it. If she knew about us.. She'd probably run for the hills. 

In the time that I had been daydreaming I hadn't heard the shower stop running and I heard the creek of a floorboard from the hallway. The last thing I saw before teleporting out of there was Yin looking into her room.. Like she had seen something- did she see me? From outside I saw her dash over to the window and place her small hands on the glass as she peered out. 

That was close.


~Authors Note~

The MV at the top of this chapter is there purely because I'm addicted to this song atm... Like really addicted.

If you get a chance to listen I'm sure you'll love it~~!

It's called Lightsaber by EXO. 

It isn't a new song but, like cheese, it gets better with age.

Saying that- it is only from 2015.. 

Anyways, I Jhope you liked this chapter!

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