Chapter 16

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~Kai's POV~

"..." My head hung low. How could he bring that up now?! I needed to stay strong, to stay strong for Yin. I couldn't think about... about... about that day. No matter how much I tried I couldn't stay strong. I salty tear dripped onto the floor as I thought back to that day.


"Jongin~!" She called out before coming up behind me, engulfing me in a heartfelt hug I loved so much. I turned around and kissed her forehead gently. Nayoen. She was my everything. She trusted me and loved me back- or at least I thought she did. She told me her deepest secret, she was a vampire. I didn't care, I let her feed off my blood and promised to keep her secret with my life- I was stupid. I didn't see it then, probably because she was perfect in my eyes.

Her long, dark-brown, silky hair flowed beautifully over her shoulders and her lush, pink lips made her adorable smile even more amazing. Her eyes always seemed to sparkle, she always wore something purple- it was her favourite colour. I always wondered if beauty like this was a vampire thing, I wish I hadn't fallen for her so quickly.

"You know I love you, right? She whispered in my ear.

"Of course, I love you too." I put my chin on her head as I hugged her.

"Would you do anything for me?" Her eyes locked with mine.

"With all of my heart, anything." I let my fingers filter through her soft hair.

With that, she interlocked our hands and dragged me into a nearby alleyway. Nobody seemed to be around, it was eerily quiet. The shadows of the buildings made me a bit nervous but that was the least of my priorities.

I don't know how it happened, one second we were staring into each other's eyes, the next I was lying on the cold, concrete floor with Nayeon holding me down... Her teeth buried into my neck. I couldn't move and I couldn't fight her off. I could feel her drinking my blood, but it was different to usual, she wasn't stopping- I could feel my life being taken from me. Black dots scattered across my vision before the darkness fully enclosed around me.

I didn't know how long I was out for. I sat up with the worst headache ever! I ran a hand through my hair and took in my surroundings. Was I in an alleyway? That's when it hit me. I remembered what Nayeon did to me. She betrayed me and my trust... As well as my love for her. I put a shaky hand to my neck. There was nothing there? Did I imagine everything? No, it was real... How did I heal that quickly..? I sat there, confused, for a matter of minutes. What the hell was going on?!

"A-Are you okay?" A feminine voice echoed across the walls. I didn't move.

"Sir..?" I could hear light footsteps making their way closer and closer to me. The weird thing was... I could hear her heartbeat. What was happening to me? It felt like I was losing my mind. There was a horrible, horrific burning sensation in my mouth, my teeth felt like they were screaming.

"What the hell is going on..?!" I mumbled in annoyance. I couldn't take everything that was happening.

"Sir... Are you-" I finished her sentence for her.

"I'm fine," I said bluntly... Making the mistake of looking up.

She looked so... sweet... so... tasty... I couldn't control whatever was going on with me. In a matter of seconds, I had her pinned up against the nearest wall, I held her arms by her sides. She was thrashing around and crying out, I put a hand up to her mouth and clamped it shut. I couldn't stop myself from doing any of this.

Without hesitation, I buried my newly-grown fangs into her soft, delicious skin. Her blood was like liquid sugar, like golden syrup that didn't become sickly. I kept drinking and drinking. It was amazing. Wait... What the hell was I doing? I stepped backwards, releasing the girl who slumped to the floor, lifeless. I stumbled and fell. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried. I tried scratching the bloody mess from around my mouth. I couldn't be a vampire. I couldn't be a monster.

**End Of Flashback**

"No." I looked our Boss in the eyes. "Don't ever bring that up. That woman killed me. She left me after making me into a monster! I killed innocent people while you sat here and watched it unfold without me knowing! I'm not Jongin anymore, I'm Kai- Kai, the name that Suho and Baekhyun gave me when they found me. They understood everything that was happening to me and how to help! If that woman really loved me, she wouldn't have left me to deal with this alone. I would never leave Yin alone- none of us would- none of us would make her go through something like that alone." After I had finished, I turned to face Suho.

He nodded at me. It was bold to even make a remark against our Boss, but we were all thinking it.

"Bravo boy, grand explanation!" Our Boss clapped his hands together genuinely. "But how about you channel that anger back onto the current situation? Make a choice."

"Mhmmm..." A slight grown echoed through the new silence. All of our attentions were now focused on Yin.

"Better hurry up with your decisions boys... Or I'll have to make the choice for you." He said coldly as Yin shifted in his arms.

~Yin's POV~

Ugh... My head hurt... Worst. Headache. Ever.
What the hell happened to me? It felt like my skin was numb, I tried to move but I couldn't. I groaned and shuffled a bit from my previous position. I didn't want to open my eyes yet, I wanted to be able to move first. I tried to remember what had happened to make me feel like this.

I opened my eyes slowly, to take in my surroundings. I expected to see a ceiling of a room, my room... Instead, I let a small, pathetic yelp leave my lips when I saw someone peering down at me. He was an older man, maybe 30-ish, with jet-black hair. His deep, green eyes looked into mine as a smirk spread across his dry lips. I was too frightened to move, but internally I was panicking like hell.

Then it hit me. I stiffened as I remembered what happened to me. I very slowly and warily lift my hand to my neck. My weak, tired fingers brushed over the fabric of bandages and that confirmed my memories. A whimper escaped my lips as I stared into a pair of heartless green eyes. I was almost paralysed. I couldn't bring myself to move. The small whimpers of fear were enough to show how scared I was.

"Times up!" The cruel man said as he grabbed my hair, pulling my head back, exposing my already-injured neck.

I screamed as he placed cold teeth against my skin. At the same time, as the pained noise left my lips, someone on the other side of the room shouts.

"Stop! We've made our decision..." I knew that voice... Chen?!


Sorry this chapter took so long to be published and it's not even that long...

In all honesty I actually thought I had already published this chapter a couple of days ago and had been working on Chapter 17 instead.

Please forgive me!!

Poor Yin, so confused, she has no idea what's going to happen to her...


As per usual,
Vid at top

Stray Kids- My Pace
They got a win with this song and Han looks damn fine (my bias)~!

Anyways next chapter will be up soon!
Don't forget to vote and comment!

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