Chapter 14

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~Yin's POV~

I frantically looked around me for anything I could throw or use as a weapon. Why was this room practically empty?! My shaking hands felt the wall behind me as I realised that cornering myself was the worst idea I'd ever had. Luhan still lurked near the door, Kris stood close by him and Tao was stood closer to the middle of the room- the window was my only option. Their seemingly red eyes still frightened me to the core but I knew I could probably outrun them and jump out the window. Because that Tao guy is slightly closer to the window I shifted on my spot and thought about him catching up with me, it was only a short dash to the cool, glass exit and I was sure I could overpower him- he looked weaker than the others.

I gathered up all the courage I had in me and refrained from screaming my head off as I made a mad dash for the window. Then it was as if time had stopped completely. Everything seemed to freeze for a split second. I stumbled forwards but stopped myself from face-planting the floor. I looked up and saw both Kris and Tao by the window. My arms fell limp at my sides as I fell to my knees. The only piece of hope that I tried desperately to hold on to had fluttered away. 

"You shouldn't ever try and escape from us, Yin." I could hear Luhan's footsteps as he circled around me. 

He stopped in front of me and I continued to cast my gaze towards the floor.  Suddenly he grasped my chin in one hand and lifted my head up to face him. It was true, I wasn't hallucinating, their eyes were red.

"We were being nice you know," He stated. "Do you think we  will continue being nice after you tried to run away from us?"

His eyes were locked into mine until he let them trail down my face and to my shoulder. A smirk spread across his pink lips. I was so scared, but I kept a poker face up. I was panicking- thinking about how I could get away, what would happen to me and if anyone would save me. Then Kris spoke up to break the momentary silence. 

"All we were told was that we had to bring you to him alive- he never specified that we couldn't do anything to harm you." With each word that rolled off his tongue, my eyes widened a little bit more. Him? Who was he talking about?

"True, plus I'm still hungry and nothing has changed on that topic by the way." Tao shrugged and crossed his arms. I had almost forgotten that the 3 men in front of me weren't normal- that their eyes were red. I was just focusing on the fact I could be getting either kidnapped or something like that. 

Goosebumps trailed along my skin and I shivered against the cold breeze that fluttered through the open window, it was warm this morning and the sudden change in temperature was strange. I was still in my shorts and top- that didn't help me get any warmer. I couldn't hear the sounds of cars on the roads or the chirp of late-night birds, instead, it was almost pure silence. The smell of the rain that fell before was clear-cut, the scent creeping through the window. It would've been nice if I wasn't stuck in a hostage situation.

I didn't even notice that I had been sat down on the bed, my feet hanging off the edge. Kris and Luhan stood in front of me and I could feel Tao's presence behind me. 

"Don't bother trying to escape," Kris spoke harshly and bluntly as he shifted his weight onto his left leg. 

Honestly, I thought I was in shock. I couldn't bring myself to move a muscle- things didn't add up in general... Confusion and terror-stricken didn't mix well. Luhan let a slight chuckle escape from his lips as he took a step closer to me.

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