Chapter 5: Little Purrs

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This morning, you woke up to the smell of bacon. Coming out of your room, you see Eren at the stove. His tail was swaying back and forth, his ears started to twitch. You helped buying Eren's clothes, making sure that he had a clean pair to wear everyday.

Eren turns around, "Morning, (y/n)! Had a nice rest?" He asks you with a smile as you approached him.

You nod, "Yes, what about you?"

"Couldn't sleep... but I managed to sleep. Was it my cooking that woke you from your slumber?"

"Yeah, what are you making?"

You peak at what was on the stove. As expected, he was making bacon, but on the other side of you, you see two plates full of eggs. "Eggs and bacon. I wanted it to be a surprise, but hey, I couldn't mask the smell of it." You look up to him, he smiled at you, eyes glinting. "You're like a cat, smelling the food when you're so far away... tell me, are you a cat in disguise?"

You laughed a bit, "I wish." You reply. "Thanks for breakfast... Eren..."

"Well, you deserve it... after all, you're the one that's taking care of me... and I want to repay you the favor. From now on, I want to make every meal for you!"

"Okay... just tell me what you're making."

He shakes his head, ears perking up higher than before. "No, I want them to be a surprise! Maybe... I should go looking for a job as well... that way I can help pay-"

"Eren, that's way too much for you..."

"What? Is it because I'm a cat?"


"Just because I'm a cat doesn't mean that I'm delicate. I can be a fierce fighter!" His voice raises to the point where it was irresistible to smile. Mischievous smiles and his jokes... what a wonder to have a cat like him. "And I want to prove that to you, (y/n)."

"You already proved it to me... Eren..."

He nuzzles your forehead, "Go sit down, breakfast's almost done cooking... then, you can go off and go work while I wait here..." He says it in a tone that makes your heart drop. He was bored... you can tell by his voice.

"Eren, you're not useless..." You say, having your hand on his shoulder. "You're helpful in every other way, you just don't know about that..."

Eren smiles at you, "But I do feel useless... Tell me, how can I get a job?"

"Uh... resume. In it, just say who you are and they'll pick you if they like you."

"Can I put in about me being a cat?" He winks at you, his ears started to twitch. "After all, I am a cat."

"Physically and at heart..."

He smiles, "Go sit down... I'll ask for help when I need it..." You do what he says. After a couple seconds, he hands you a plate with eggs and bacon on it. The steam rose from both the bacon and eggs. You inhale the smell, for some reason... it was different... like it was... stronger... "Breakfast is served." He says in a tone that seemed he was formal.

"Thanks, Eren."

"As long as the lady is pleased- joking, (y/n). You're welcome. Hope you enjoy it!"

"I will." One bite into the eggs and you realize that it was better than your own cooking. The salt and pepper were perfectly balanced, the eggs were fluffy and light, unlike your eggs, which were always heavy and not tasteful. The bacon were cooked perfectly as well. They weren't burnt too badly, nor was it too raw... perfection. "Wow... Eren..." Your eyes lit up as you start to compliment him. "This is better than my own cooking... you really should cook for me..."

He scratches his head, eyes closed and giving a soft chuckle. "W-Wow... I'm not even that good..."

"You should work in a restaurant. With these types of skills... you need to be there. Your cooking will satisfy everyone of all ages!" You start to dig into Eren's meal that he prepared for you. His eyes start to glint, "This is really delicious..."

"Glad you like it, (y/n). I'll be sure to cook for you more, I promise you that." His eyes started to droop, laying flat against his hair. His tail slowly swayed around, avoiding me. "No... I will cook for you more... since you like it so much..."

All of a sudden, a purring noise started in the room. You turned around, trying to find the source of the sound, but the TV was off... everything was off in the room. You turned to Eren, he wasn't even looking at you. "Are you... purring?"

The purring then stopped as he snapped out of a dream-like state. He looks at you, cheeks were growing from pink to red. "W-Was I p-purring?!" His ears raised and fell back down. "I-I didn't know I could purr..."

"So it was you!" You shout, smiling and laughing. "I heard it the other day, and I thought you were purring when you were sleeping! I thought that I was just dreaming or something, but... you can purr?"

Surprised by this information, Eren gives a small laugh, "I didn't know I could purr... It's weird... I never knew..."

"Is this new or something else? Or... was it something you always had?" You question, knowing that Eren can't even answer them. Purring usually means when they feel... comfortable... "What were you feeling when you started to purr?"

His face becomes bright red, his tail became a straight arrow, pointing to the ground, and his ears stood on edge. "I-I don't know... I drifted away... I didn't know what I was feeling... sorry... (y/n)..." His ears lowered, "I didn't know... sorry if this is-"

"No, Eren... it's fine, okay? I want to know as well, but... this has been pretty cool... knowing you can purr, just like any cat!"

"W-well... I guess you can say that... I wish I knew how or why I'm purring... Man, I better not purr in front of other people... that would be pretty embarrassing if that did happen to me..." He looks away from you. By the looks of it, you know that he felt something when he started to purr, he just didn't want to admit why.

"Thanks for breakfast, Eren..." You smiled, trying to trigger the purring noises again.

"You're welcome, (y/n)..." Slightly, you hear a small, quiet purr coming from Eren. It wasn't as loud as before... but he still purred... in happiness? You may never know the answer...

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