Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

We got home and I 'walked' straight into the lounge only to be tackled with a huge hug from Iggy and then followed by everyone else. I laughed and got them to eventually get off, I went further into the room and sat down on the couch. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was now 3am

"Hey Leah, Allie, Ray, Bea you guys should probably go to sleep, Leah you've had a long day so you're probably tired and girls it's way past your bedtime plus Bea it's pretty late for you too kiddo" mom said Allie and Ray grumbled and moaned about it. "hey guys if you go get ready, then Ray i'll read you a bedtime story before you go to sleep and Allie I'll sing you to sleep" they both nodded eagerly and ran upstairs knowing that this was a rare occasion

"Can I watch?" mom said "eh no, no one has ever heard me sing except Allie, Ray and Bea and that was only cause Bea came into the bathroom while I was in the shower, without me knowing and I sometimes sing the girls to sleep or when they're scared but besides I'm not even good so" "bullshit!" Bea shouted "that is utter bullshit, you are good at EVERYTHING and singing is definitely included, you're AMAZING!" I rolled my eyes "I am not good at everything"

Before she could reply I stood up and walked away, I eventually managed to climb the stairs and went into Ray's room first being as she's the youngest, I read her sleeping beauty and she soon fell asleep. I kissed her head before stroking it and going into Allie's room next door

"Hey sweetie" "hey Leah" she said tiredly "what sing do you want me to sing you?" I asked her sweetly stroking her hair out of her face "will you sing mom's song nightingale?" "you sure you want me to do it and not mom?" I asked unsure "NO! you do it! I like it when you sing it" I sighed and started to sing the song.

(-Nightingale - Demi Lovato-)


After singing the song and finishing the last note I looked down to see Allie fast asleep cuddling up to her teddy, awe. I kissed her forehead before leaving the room, I shut the door and turned around to see everyone minus Allie and Ray standing there smiling and clapping

I looked at Bea "what did you do?" "well you wouldn't believe that you were good and wouldn't let me prove it to anyone so I got everyone to come up to hear you sing" she said smiling proudly at the end "Yeah and you're REALLY good! Like maybe even better than Demi" Rissa said "thanks Riss" mom said sarcastically "but I agree you were amazing baby, I'm so proud of you but I wished I'd've heard you earlier you have such a beautiful voice baby"

"If you think I have a beautiful voice, which I don't, then you should hear Ray, I know you've already heard Allie cause she's not one on the shy side but Ray has a pretty good voice and it will get better when she gets older" I said proudly speaking of my little sister.

"Well Bea next time don't do that and to everyone else, don't listen to me sing again k thanks bye, goodnight I said before walking down the hall to my room going in and shutting the door. Everyone else went to there rooms as I heard them walking around, I got changed into some loose shorts and a thin football shirt before wiping my make up off, brushing my teeth and getting into bed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep, on my back, not being able to sleep in any other way because of my cast, I had my crutches leant against my bedside table and my phone on charge next to them.


I woke up pretty tired but decided to get up anyway. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was 9:43am it was now Sunday and it had only just come to my mind that I had broken my leg on my birthday, brilliant! well i'll add that to the list of memories.

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