Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I felt myself being pulled back up and out of the river, just as everything was starting to go black, ffs why did they save me?

Bea's POV

I couldn't see Leah die I couldn't let that happen she was my bestfriend had been for years and if I'm being honest she's the girl I've been in love with ever since we had that kiss but she's with josh and he treats her like a queen, she'd never pick me over him. Instinctively I dived into the water people screaming as I did so, I am not about to lose my bestfriend, I opened my eyes and saw a blurry dark figure on the bottom of the riverbank, I swam down and grabbed Leah's body pulling her up with me, I put her on the side before getting out. I put my knees either side of her hips and put my head on her chest, she wasn't breathing but there was a weak pulse, this wasn't over yet, I started to do cpr as tears fell down my face I can't let her die I can't let her die! Demi had called an ambulance and had to be taken away from the scene as she was so distraught. I heard Leah gasp for air and she sat up coughing out the water in her lungs, she looked me in the eyes and barely above a whisper choked out soemthing that would haunt me for the rest of my life "why did you save me? Why didn't you let me die?" Tears were running down her face as I stared into her eyes "I can't lose my best friend Leah, I can't lose the girl I'm in love with"

Leah's POV

"I can't lose my best friend Leah, I can't lose the girl in in love with"
Wait, what?
I looked at her confused and she looked me straight in the eyes
"I've been in love with you ever since that kiss, I know it was only part of a stupid game but it changed me inside Leah, I love you and I know you won't love me back because you're with Josh but I fucking love you Leah Lovato"
Oh my fucking God Bea loves me?

The ambulance arrived before I could say anything back, not that I knew what to, I was rushed to hospital, everyone had reluctantly agreed to say I just fell instead of jumped as long as I promised to never do it again. After getting all the necessary checks I was eventually discharged and I went straight to Josh's to clear my mind, his mom let me in and I walked upstairs to his room, I opened the door to find him fucking another guy, yes guy.

"Josh?" I wasn't angry, just upset and confused. He turned around and smiled sadly at me "I'm sorry I didn't know how to tell you, I'm gay Leah" I returned the sad smile and took off the ring her gave me "it's fine, enjoy him, you'll be needing this back but hey friends?"
He nodded "Leah keep the ring, I want you to, let's just say the promise is one of friendship than love" I nodded and opened my arms motioning for a hug, he put some shorts on and came over hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead whispering "I'm sorry" over and over "I better go then, I'll see you around" I smiled sadly and walked downstairs and out of the house. I was completely calm, upset but calm, he can't help who he is in just glad I finally found out.

I walked back home but went to Bea's first inviting her to come to mine, she followed and we went into my room and sat on the bed I took a deep breath "me and josh just broke up, turns out he's gay" I said with a little chuckle trying to break the air, she gave me a sympathetic smile before pulling me into a hug we pulled back and I stared into her eyes. I don't know why but I couldn't help but lean in, she did the same and soon my lips met hers. I thought this kind of thing only ever happened in movies and shit, but man did she just cheer me up big time. I pulled away and smiled at her and she returned it, in fact it was bigger than mine but none the less she looked beautiful as always, why am I only now appreciating everything about this girl? I mean she's beautiful, funny, caring, sweet, she's the only one that knows how to cheer me up instantly, we have our own special places, you could say our friendship has always been more like a love story and I guess only now am I realising that..

Wait. Am I in love with Bea too?

A/N: No updates for over a year and BOOM two in one day, you're welcome my loves enjoy ;)

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