Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I woke up feeling pretty tired but then I remembered that Iggy was coming over today and I jumped out of bed and into my bathroom. I did my morning routine which includes showering, shaving and brushing my teeth, I then decided to leave my hair naturally straight and applied my make up before walking into my closet.

I chose my outfit for today and added the right accessories to match, I took one last look in the mirror before grabbing my phone off the side, I saw I had a text from Iggy, I opened it to see...

From: Iggyy 😘

Hey babe, I'm coming over at around 11 so I can talk to your mom for you and have some time with my amazing nieces, love you girl seeya soon 😘 xx

I replied with...

To: Iggyy 😘

Hey Ig, alright can't wait seeya soon love you too miss azalea 😉😘 xx

I put my phone in my pocket after checking the time 9.42am, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I saw my mom standing there "morning sweetie, oh look you're wearing clothes, I thought you'd wanna start parading around in your underwear now cause you know that's what you think your gonna be doing for a job, but in all reality you won't be so this is the only chance you're gonna get but nope, guess not"

I just looked at her in complete shock, where the hell did that come from? that was a little harsh, I noticed that Allie and Ray were in the room eating their breakfast rather awkwardly now, both with shocked faces. "what the actual hell mom? what the fuck is wrong with you? Have you gone mentally deranged again or something? Oh by the way Maddie said hi and that she misses you, don't understand why she would though" I smirked as those last words came out of my mouth, I could see it hurt her by her eyes but to be honest she deserved every last word of that.

"Wow Leah, I thought I raised you better than that, but clearly not"

"woah woah woah woah! you have no right to say that! you raised me yes, so everything I do everything I say is because of you so you have yourself to blame, it always seems to be pinned back on to me whenever it's your fault because you can't take the responsibility for it, you can't just admit that it's your fault, you won't take the blame because you think it's not your fault even though you know it is, so you blame me or whoever else you can find when I'm not there, that's all you ever want me around you for, is so that you can pin the blame on me for everything you do and it's NOT fair"

She looked at me with pure shock before responding "you're a liar" "what d'ya mean?" I asked confused "you always try to play the innocent one when you're clearly far from it" "you know what? I am a liar, because every time I tell you I love you I sure as hell don't mean it" I saw a tear roll down her face before I walked over to the table and sat down as she left the room. "so did I win?" I asked Allie and Ray "yeah but Leah that was beyond harsh" Allie said as Ray nodded, they picked up their dishes and put them on the side before walking out.

I guess that's true it was really harsh and not at all true but she started it, I just never knew that when I finished it I'd lose my relationship with my mom and my sisters too.

I'm pretty sure I just made my own death.

Name: Leah Perrie Lovato

Born: 18. May 2000

Date Of Death: July 17th 2014

Cause Of Death: Guilt

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