Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

It was now game time, nothing too big so not many people were here, I stood patiently in the batting line waiting for my turn which soon came being as I was 3rd in the order, I walked up to the batting area and steadied the bat, I focused on the bowler and the ball and watched the burl girl towards me, I swung my bat perfectly on time and did a big hit, I took no time and started running around, getting a home run.


The game was soon over and our team no doubtedly won, I said bye to my team and then started to walk home. I got back pretty soon and walked in through the front door "I'm back" I shouted before running up the stairs, changing and putting my kit away before going down the hall and into Allie's room "so how did the homework go?" I asked excited to see what the teacher had said "I got an A, thank you so much Leah! I love you" I smiled "awh I love you too babe, wanna come get Ray with me then we'll go downstairs and watch a movie?"

She nodded so we walked down the hall got Ray and walked down the stairs, we went into the lounge "alright you pick the movie and i'll go get the snacks" they nodded and got out all the possible movies they wanted to watch. I walked in the kitchen and there was Rissa and mom, I'm surprised Rissa's still actually here but whatever.

"Hey" I said as I walked past them, I got out 3 glasses and poured some diet coke into them, I went and got 3 big bags of potato chips and got a selection of sweets "Allie will you come help me carry the stuff" she soon came in along with Ray, they picked up the stuff for me and carried it in to the lounge careful not to spill any.

I was about to walk out when mom started to talk to me "so how was the game and the doctors?" "good how was work?" "good, speaking of work I hear you got a new job?" "ehh yeah" "wanna tell me what it is?" "I'm pretty sure you've already been told" "yes I have but I would like to hear it from my own daughters mouth" "ok then, I got asked to be an angel" she raised her eyebrows signifying to go on "we went in the store so I could get some more underwear and then one thing led to another and now I'm an angel, oh and I also have a play date for Allie"

"Well that's very nice for Allie, but you're 14 years old" "don't you think I know that?!" I said getting louder and angrier "don't get smart with me, my point is you're 14 and I'm not letting you do that job, you're way too young" "well they clearly didn't seem to think so, and I'm doing it whether you like it or not, I earned that job and I'm gonna keep it" and without giving her chance to reply I turned to Rissa "thanks a lot Rissa" and walked out giving a big huff as I left.

I walked into the lounge and sat down with the girls, I'm not letting her ruin my night but I need some advice, i'll call Maddie later, she's 19 now so she should be pretty good with advice, but i'll ring Maddie, Perrie and Iggy just to make sure. "hey i'll be back in a bit, start the movie ok I've just got to go call some people, i'll see you in a minute" they nodded and pressed play.

I went upstairs and into my room, I sat on my bed, leaning up agains the head board, I pulled out my phone and dialled Madison's number.


"Hey mad it's me"

"I know dumbass I have caller ID"

"Oh right yeah"

"So what d'ya want, you never call me unless you want something so come on spit it out"

"I need advice"


"A job offer and mom"

"Go on"

"Well I got offered to be a Victoria Secret's angel and I said yes but then Rissa told mom and she won't let me do it but I really want to"

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