Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After reaching Starbucks we ordered our drinks and made our way to the park which was only about a 10 minute walk from the café. We walked in and sat on the big rocks drinking our drinks, I leant back on the rocks and looked up at the stars Bea soon following and doing the same. I set an alarm on my phone for 10.30pm which would give us the 10 minutes we needed to get back for the end of the shift.

After Looking at the stars for what felt like hours my alarm finally went off, I stood up with my now empty cup and chucked it in the bin, Bea doing the same with hers, we started to walk back to the café as the stars sparkled beautifully in the sky, that's usually what we do every night now, I guess it just relaxes you and makes you feel so happy and calm.

We arrived at the café bang on the dot of 10.40pm we walked in to see there was nobody left in here except Jessy and the other workers, I grabbed Bea and walked over to the ketchup bottles, I sat down and we started to refill them as we talked.

Soon we were finished and started the walk home, once arriving on our street we soon got to Bea's I said goodnight and continued the walk to mine, reaching it I walked in and up the stairs. I walked into my room and into my closet immediately changing into sweats and a band t-shirt I hung up my uniform took out my hair from it's ponytail, massaged my head until my hair was once again loose and put my tips into my money jar.

I put my phone on charge before walking down the stairs and into the lounge "hey sweetie how was work after we left?" "same old same old, I got $350 in tips tonight well $100 being from you but still" she smiled "I'm very proud" I looked at the TV to see they were watching the tonight show with jimmy fallon I love this show, I jumped on the couch in between Riss and mom and snuggled up to Riss laying my head on her chest as she was laying down her back against the arm rest.

Emma Stone was on and they were having a lip syncing battle it was so funny (check it out on YouTube) Emma won and it was amazing, the show soon finished so mom changed the channel to none other than the ID channel. We sat there til 3 in the morning watching crime shows not even realising how late it was.

Mom finally glanced at the time and saw how late it was "Leah babe you need to go to sleep it's 3am and you've got school and a cheer thing tomorrow" "well technically it's later but whatever" Riss replied making me laugh "alright night mom I love you" "you too sweetie" "love you Riss" "you too babe" I gave them both a hug and they both kissed me on the head before I walked up stairs and down the hall stopping at Ray's door.

I walked in to see her fast asleep I walked over to her bedside bent down and kissed her on the forehead "night night Ray" I whispered before doing the same with Allie and then going to my room, jumping in the covers and falling fast asleep, tomorrow was gonna be a long day.

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