Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

.....The cutest old couple you will ever see, but behind them were fifth harmony oh Jesus no!

I took the tables drinks to them and they were already ready to order, I took their orders and gave it to the chef, there were no other tables that needed serving that weren't already being served except 1. The table with fifth harmony on, I took a deep breath, shook my head to try and rid me of some of my anger but I couldn't, clenching my fists I eventually calmed down slapped a big ol' smile on my face and walked over.

"Hello I'm Leah i'll be your waitress tonight so if there's anything you need give me a shout, can I get you any drinks?" I questioned, Lauren scrunched up her face "wait aren't you Demi's daughter? The one we're meeting on Saturday?" Camila squeaked at the mention of a celebrity's name causing me to giggle

"Yep that's me, please don't make this awkward" "we won't, nice to finally meet you, I heard it's your birthday on Sunday" I smiled "you too and yep 14" "awh what's your mom getting you or don't you know?" "I have no clue at all but she's over there if you wanna ask her" I said smirking, they all looked over turned back and smiled "we'll talk to her in a minute, how come she's here?"

"She wanted to see me working which is super embarrassing because I had to serve her!" "oh my god you did?" Ally questioned I just nodded "it was horrible, anyway about those drinks?"

"Eh yeah" Lauren started "i'll have a diet coke, Cams?" "The same please, Normani?" "black currant sprite please, Ally?" "Just a water please, Dinah?" "coke please" I nodded writing them down before walking off to make them.

As I was making them I saw them walk over to my mom and say hi she instantly smiled and I could tell she started talking about me as they all looked, I just scrunched my mouth up into a straight line, looked everywhere but them and then awkwardly waved a little before continuing to make their drinks.

By the time I had all the drinks ready and on the tray they had returned to their seats, I grabbed 5 menus and walked over, the menus under my arm and the tray on my left palm, but not up high in the air, just level with my stomach, I got to their table and placed the tray down before handing everyone their drinks "so what were you talking about?"

"Oh your mom was just asking us if we'd seen you and we told her we were served by you and then she asked how you were doing and blah blah blah" Ally answered I laughed and gave them the menus "once you've ordered give me a shout if I'm not already back" they all nodded and opened up their menus.

I reached the kitchen area and saw that the previous table I was serving's food was ready there were only 3 of them so I carried their plates with ease, I gave them their food before telling them to "enjoy their meal" and started to walk over to fifth harmony when I heard someone shout my name I looked around to see my mom calling me over I rolled my eyes and walked over to her "yes?" "can we have dessert?" "go for it what would you like?" she told me everyone's orders and I took away their plates and then came back for the glasses

"Do you want any more drinks?" they shook their heads and I added their order onto the rack and walked back over to fifth harmony's table "hey you ready to order?" they nodded told me their orders and I went and put it on the rack. I glanced at the clock it was now 9pm, 1 more hour and I get a 40 minute break then only 20 more minutes after which is usually clearing up and I can go home.

I walked over to the kitchen, got my moms desserts and took them over handing each dessert to the person that ordered it. I smiled and walked back to the kitchen grabbing fifth harmony's food and holding it the way I did for my mom, I walked over and placed it down, I looked at their faces and they were all shocked I guess I laughed, "enjoy your meals ladies" with that I walked off.

I sat on one of the bar stools now and watched Bea finish up with a customer, she had just given him the check and he for some reason was getting angry, Bea was trying to calm him down but I guess it wasn't working he stood up and started shouting right in Bea's face, I jumped up off my stool and ran straight over "HEY!" I screamed "YOU DO NOT TALK TO MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT, you do not shout at her or get up in her face, she has rights and you were entering her personal space, sir I'm going to have to ask you to pay and leave thank you" he did so quickly muttering curse words under his breath before picking up his coat looking us right in the eye sending us death glares before walking out with everyone he was with.

I turned to Bea "you alright?" "yeah thank you babe" I smiled and hugged her, kissing her on the cheek as I pulled away I walked over to my mom who looked as if she was ready to pay "hey ready to pay?" "I'm so proud of you, for sticking up for Bea like that it was so cute!" I blushed a little "you saw that?" I asked suddenly going all shy "I think the whole restaurant did honey" I blushed harder "are you ready to pay?" I said changing the subject she nodded and I went and got the card machine.

She entered her card and payed before going into her bag and pulling out a $100 bill and handing it to me "what's this for?" I asked amazed "what am I not aloud to give an amazing waitress a tip?" she said with a smirk I smiled said thank you before giving her a hug. I hugged Allie and Ray and then Riss before going back and hugging mom again "hey Riss you staying over tonight?" I asked hopeful I know Riss is like 29 but she's so immature sometimes and we get on so well

"Do you want me to?" I nodded quickly and eagerly she chuckled "alright then, but no staying up late you got school tomorrow and your mom tells me a big game?" I rolled my eyes "it's not that important mom I'm only cheering for a football game" "well I think it's important, and we'll come down and see you" "you will? all of you? but don't you have work or something? Any interviews?"

"Nope cleared it for the game, cleared it for you Leah so can we come?" "YES!" she chuckled and gave me a hug kissing me on the head before saying goodbye and leaving the café. I know it's called a café but it really is more like a diner.

I looked at the clock it was now 9.45pm I walked over to fifth harmony's table and picked up their dirty plates "any desserts?" they shook they're heads "so just the bill then?" they nodded and I walked off with the plates, I took them into the kitchen and onto the dirty plate pile before walking back out, picking up the card machine and walking over.

Lauren put her card in the machine and payed and then everyone else went into their bags and all have me a $50 tip, I thanked them and hugged them before they were on their way.

I checked the time 9.55pm, 5 more minutes woo! tonight I've already made $350 in tips; $100 from my mom $200 between fifth harmony and $50 of the other tables I served, awesome.

Once I'd finished counting my tips I grabbed a walking Bea and headed into the back noticing it was now 10pm time for our 40 minute break!! I unlocked our lockers and we got out our phones, I grabbed Bea's hand pulling her up off the bench she was now sitting on "Starbucks?" she nodded and we walked through the café and out of the door, walking down the street to the closest Starbucks.

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