Chapter 4-What books?

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Avery paced the cabin, chewing on her thumbnail. The faunid had been in and out of consciousness for too long, never as lucid as the day he ate the stew. He would wake briefly enough to eat something and sip some tea. She tried to ask where there was pain but he would try to move and groan. The swelling was still high in his leg and dark red lines were streaking out from the wounds. A fever had set in and sweat soaked the bedsheets though he shivered with cold. Avery shook her head and rubbed a hand on her chin. He needed something to help him heal, and she didn't know what.

She walked over to the library for the hundredth time and scanned the shelves.

"Come on, give me something," she begged.

But no book had appeared that would help her heal the faunid. Frustrated, she stalked back to the table and leaned over the books open there. She knew them all by memory and yet she reread the text trying to find some new clues. Despite her best efforts an infection had set in and it appeared she needed to reopen his stitches and clean out the rot. She had clean cloths soaking in a disinfectant solution of herbs and she heated her knife over the fire.

Avery gathered the supplies and brought a bucket of clean water over to the bed where Roedin lay. She dipped the cloth in the cool water and washed the sweat from his face, then continued down his neck and focused on the gash on his chest. It hadn't been very deep but it was now red and inflamed. She tried to be gentle but wanted to make sure the area was clean before she opened it up again. Roedin stirred and opened his eyes.

"Hey there. I'm sorry this hurts but we've got to do something. You're not getting any better," she explained.

Roedin grimaced. "I understand."

A coughing fit overtook him and his body spasmed as his lungs tried to clear the fluid. Avery held his shoulders, trying to minimize the movement lest he damage the wings and leg again.

"What will you do?" he rasped.

"I'm going to pull the stitches to clean out the pus. I think it's going to hurt. A lot."

Roedin nodded and closed his eyes, trying catch his breath. "Alright, I'm ready."

Avery was impressed with his grit. He didn't plead for a different solution or insist there was another way. He clenched his hands on the sheets and fixed his stare on the ceiling as Avery reached for the knife to cut away the thread. Every muscle in his body tensed when she touched the wound and he squeezed his eyes as if he could shut out the pain. She worked as quickly and gently as she could, clearing away the crusts before cutting the rotted flesh.

"Stop!" gasped Roedin.

Avery lifted her hands immediately.

"Stop, just for a moment. I need a break."

She nodded and wiped the knife down then stood to dump the bowl of water out the door. She refilled it from the kettle that boiled over the fire. Roedin kept his eyes closed, panting in pain. She frowned down at the knife in her hand but couldn't think of what else to do.

"Roedin," Avery said softly.

When he didn't answer right away she pushed again.

"Roedin, we need to keep going."

He took a deep breath and blew out through his mouth, nodding his head.


She did.


Avery glanced up from her book and saw Roedin watching her. She sat wrapped in a blanket in the rocking chair, her feet propped up on the stool. The lamp hung by the window, thick snow falling in the darkness outside.

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