Chapter 20 - The Stairs

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"I need the reserve forces to break-up the riots in the Silk Quarter, while the city guard focuses on stopping the other protests from getting out of control," Hayden ordered.

The pack was standing around the breakfast table, their meal having been interrupted when Adelyn arrived reporting widespread chaos in the city. She spoke with Sari as they headed for the door. "Shut down trade for the day. Keep the schools open but the younglings indoors until parents can retrieve them. We don't want anyone caught in the cross-fire."

"I'll have the city guards sweeping the streets," Arctos reported. "The districts further removed from the downtown core likely won't be affected, but I'd like to keep it that way. Peaceful protest is allowed, but the combination of alcohol and pheromones will compound this problem."

Arctos stormed out of the house, leaving just Hayden at the table as Cora raced in with his armour. He began strapping on the plates when he noticed Avery standing by the wall watching the scene play out with wide eyes.

"You will stay indoors today, no walks in the city," he ordered.

"I understand, I just need to go out for minute and I'll be back right away."

"That's really not what I just said."

"I won't go far, but I need to go out."


"But I have to!"

"I'm not used to giving an order twice. We have enough problems without you wandering the streets. If the wrong people find a human here it will compromise the work we've been doing not to mention your safety. I can't have a human get caught up in this mess. I'm not going to say it again."

"You can't keep me here, " she whispered as she backed out of the room. She ran for the front door but Hayden locked up her leg muscles while putting on the last of his armour. Avery crashed to the floor and stared up at him in disbelief as he strode for the door.

"I don't have time to explain right now. Stay here with Cora and Nicholas. It's for your own safety." He slammed the door behind him.

As the lock clicked the magic holding her legs was released and Avery scrambled to her feet. She rattled the door in desperation and banged on it with her fists.

"Don't trap me here!"

A light hand touched her shoulder and in one motion she turned and punched her attacker. Instead of it being a pale-skinned monster it was Nicholas, the cook. He held a hand to his jaw in shock. Avery ran for the stairs without apologising.


Roedin stood with Hayden on a rooftop above the market surveying the scene below. The city guards and reservists were cleaning up the damage and throwing drunks in the back of wagons until they could sober up. There were still some shouts across the city but things were breaking up.

"I want to know how this started," Hayden ordered. "This wasn't a protest. Half of these people don't even live here. There's something more going on, something deeper."

"Things like this don't start overnight," Roedin concurred.

Cora then stepped up beside them on the rooftop, wringing her hands together.

"It's alright, Cora. The streets have quieted down. It'll be business as usual shortly," Hayden reassured her.

"It's not that. It's Avery. She was upset this morning when she couldn't go out. Nick startled her and Avery hit him."

Hayden's eyebrows shot up.

"He's fine, of course. More stunned than anything. So was Avery for that matter. She ran upstairs to her room and won't answer the door. That's all fine if she wants, except she hasn't made a sound." She looked between Hayden and Roedin for reaction.

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