Chapter 44 - The Library

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Her mind was blank as she stumbled down the halls of the Spark, her feet moving automatically without direction. She ended up at the library though had no memory of how she got there. Avery had spent countless hours in the library that winter, scouring the shelves for books on chemistry or architecture, even art and history. She sought out any information on human preserves she could find. Old maps, censuses, indications of larger villages or even cities where humans might have gathered. The information was usually full of gaps or stereotypes, stories that sounded more like myths than history.

The library occupied an elaborate system of caves and tunnels in the mountain behind the Spark. The tunnels were carved out during the Tidal Wars as shelters when the city, then just a trading village, was being invaded. When the palace was built the tunnels were filled with thousands upon thousands of books all containing a wealth of knowledge and history that made Avery practically faint in excitement.

Now she found the books overwhelming. Instead of a font of knowledge she could tap, she saw a wall of history she could never possibly understand. But the tunnels were cool and quiet and allowed her to calm her racing heart. She fell into a meditative trance as she walked up and down the rows, tracing a hand absentmindedly along the spines.

She was so lost in her mind that she nearly collided with Tobias as he stepped around a large worktable covered with books. Avery blinked rapidly to bring her mind back to the present as she saw Sari and Niamh sitting at the table with paper and ink before them.

"I'm sorry," she stammered. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

Niamh sat back and stretched her arms in the air. "Well I'm not! We've been at this for hours so I welcome the break."

"In fact, you might be interested in what we're looking at," Sari added.

Avery approached the table but hesitated when she spied the carving of the fox sitting in the centre. Sari followed her gaze.

"We couldn't find any spell hidden within it. Just a plain wooden carving of a fox. You can take it back if you'd like."

Avery locked her gaze on the carving like it would jump up and bite her.

"But I'll get rid of it if it bothers you," Sari added.

With a trembling hand Avery took the fox and ran her fingers over its smooth surfaces and detailed edges. "No, thank you. I'd like to keep it, if that's alright."

Sari nodded and Tobias pulled out a chair for Avery to sit at the table with them. No one spoke for a minute as Avery continued to gaze at the fox in her hands. Sari cleared her throat and looked to Tobias and Niamh. "Actually, we were looking for some significance in the fox. Myths, folklore, but also spells, historical accounts, records."

Avery looked around the table in confusion. "Really? You're looking for information on foxes?"

"It's a bit of blind chase, but we had to start somewhere," Niamh added in frustration. "It might give us a hint as to where you came from."

"Of course, I mean, thank you. I'm just surprised, is all. I assumed you would be looking up important government...stuff," Avery said.

"Fair enough," Sari nodded. "But today we're looking for any clues as to why your fox might be significant."

Avery bobbed her head in appreciation. "What have you found so far?"

"Well, not much," Tobias sighed. "Foxes are resourceful creatures. They adapt easily to new environments—which I would say appropriately matches you, Avery—and are known to be playful and highly intelligent."

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