Chapter 33 - Instincts

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Roedin strode across the field checking warriors for injuries and organising the cleanup. Though he spoke with authority and conviction his stomach was clenched in knots. The fighting had been over quickly; the Corinthian warriors easily overwhelming the small gang of rebellious faunids. The raiders were sloppy and disorganised, and seemed more bent on random chaos and destruction than any real purpose. Though, they did have some training and their strength and speed were considerable. It was an unusual battle and didn't sit well with the experienced Myotes warrior.

Roedin was also searching for prisoners that he could question. Hayden was busy trying to stop the bloodthirsty novices from killing anything that moved and the experienced warriors had already broken out the flasks of liquor they smuggled with them. But Roedin wanted to know the rebels' purpose. Who sent them? What were they trying to achieve?

He stomped back to the glen that had become their temporary headquarters and found his brother staring into the fire. They hadn't suffered a single casualty but Hayden's body language was tense, not relaxed in victory.

"Did you call me?" Roedin asked.

Hayden looked up like he hadn't heard Roedin approach. "No."

"Oh. I thought I heard someone call my name." He paused and watched Hayden for a moment. "What's wrong?"

Hayden clenched his jaw. "Nothing. Something. I don't know. It's something I haven't felt in a long time. Not since Tao died."

Roedin narrowed suspiciously. "Is it Niamh?"

"More likely Sari. I could feel her anxiety, but I've tried to project calm so that she'll know we're alright."

Roedin nodded and joined him in staring at the fire. "Can you communicate this way with her because of her mental abilities, or..." His voice trailed off as he couldn't seem to ask about the mating bond.

Hayden glanced at his brother in sympathy. "Both. Her dreamwalking mixed with my corporeal magic has allowed for a stronger connection. But the mating bond links our emotions regardless. The extremes--fear and love--are always the strongest, but others such as anxiety, happiness, nervousness, and joy will trickle through as well."

Roedin continued to watch the fire and reflect on this. If she accepted, would Avery ever be able to feel those emotions from him? She was human and didn't have magic, the same primal connection.

"Can you feel her?" Hayden asked gently.

"I try not to, but every part of me reaches out for her. The whispers pull everything about her back to me. It's overwhelming."

"She loves so freely and openly, delighted by the smallest thing, that it's hard not to pick up on it, even without a mating bond," Hayden added with a smile.

"But her fear shatters me. And she has so much to be afraid of."

Two warriors interrupted them, dragging a prisoner between them. The faunid had huge ears and big eyes, likely nocturnal though Roedin was not familiar with his race. But those big eyes were wild and bloodshot, and his body spasmed in the warriors grip.

"Who sent you to my territory?" Hayden demanded.

The faunid sneered at the prime. "Your territory? This is faunid land! These farms cut off a migratory route so you can feed your greedy sapien cities."

Hayden glanced at Roedin with a concerned look. This sounded like the beginning of a civil war.

"There are appropriate channels for dealing with these kinds of habitat issues. They have been in place since the Tidal Treaties were signed. Killing sapien farmers and destroying property will not advance your cause."

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