Chapter 41 - Where the ocean meets the sky

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Roedin and Avery hurried through the streets of Corinth, the picnic basket swinging from Avery's arm. Before they rounded the last corner Roedin skidded to a stop and stepped in front of Avery.

"Wait, wait!" he said excitedly. "Close your eyes."

Avery's eyebrows shot up. "You want me to close my eyes?" She tried to peer around him to see what he was hiding, but he threw open his wings to block her line of sight.

Roedin held his breath and nodded encouragingly, hoping she would trust him enough to allow him to heighten the surprise. Avery looked back at his face and chewed on her lip slightly. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes tight. Roedin waved his hands in front of her to test if she was peeking then placed his hands on her shoulders to guide her forward.

She flinched and she spun on her attacker. Roedin snatched his hands up and stepped back quickly.

"Sorry, that wasn't fair!" he apologised immediately.

Avery tried to laugh it off. "No, it's okay. I don't know who I thought it was. I just needed some warning, is all."

Roedin nodded solemnly and Avery closed her eyes, turning her back to him once again.

"Is it alright if I put my hands on your shoulders to guide you forward?" he asked this time. Avery nodded and he guided her around the corner of the building and out onto the wharf. "Alright, open your eyes."

Avery blinked in the sunshine and beheld a beautiful sailboat. It wasn't a shipping vessel but low and sleek, with a single mast and two large sails. A handful of sailors were scurrying about the deck, coiling ropes, checking lines, and stowing equipment under hatches. Avery's eyes traced the boat from bow to stern, taking in every detail of the vessel.

"It's a boat," she stated.

"It's a sailboat, and we have been invited aboard," Roedin clarified.

Avery's eyes went wide. She looked from Roedin to the sailboat and back again like she didn't quite believe what he was saying. He leaned in close to whisper in her ear, "It's time to start dreaming again," then took her hand and led her down a gangplank just before the sailors cast off from shore.

"Welcome aboard!" called a short, stout sapien as he crossed the deck to them.

"Captain Asher!" Roedin answered. "Thank you so much for agreeing to take some passengers on your practice run. Have you met Avery?"

"No, we haven't." He stepped up to brush cheeks but Avery stopped him by sticking out her hand to shake. The captain paused only a moment before accepting. "Though my daughter won't stop building model bridges out of sticks and mud these days. She says she needs to practice for next year. I'm Asher," the sapien said warmly.

Avery managed to find her voice. "Is this your sloop?"

Asher's eyebrows shot up as he looked to Roedin. "Milady, knows her vessels I see."

"Oh, I'm not a lad—"

"But alas, this remarkable piece of art owns my heart though I do not own hers. No, I have the honour of racing the sloop on behalf of Alpha Prime Adelyn. Until recently we raced on behalf of Prime Bael, but it seems ownership changed hands over a card game one night. Can't say that I approve of such high stakes, but I also can't say that I'm upset about the chance to fly Alpha Prime Adelyn's colours in the race."

The captain grinned like he was sharing some inside joke with them.

"This is a racing boat?" Avery asked keenly. "You're not a trader?"

The ship was gliding out of the bay.

"No, no, no! No place to store any goods here. Low and fast, she goes. With just the mainsail and the jib to reduce the weight. Which is needed since I bring enough weight of my own!" He patted his belly as he let out a loud laugh at his own expense. The sailors around him chuckled too as they went about their work.

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