Chapter 42 - I can't look at the stars

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"Happy birthday!"

Adelyn joined in the chant with everyone as they clapped and shouted. The housekeeper was awkwardly seated at the dining room table, having enjoyed an evening of being doted upon by the alpha pack of Corinth. She had insisted it wasn't necessary, but everyone considered her more than just an employee—she was part of the family. Adelyn could remember her from when she was a youngling. With her father gone and her mother busy as alpha prime, Cora had stepped up to fill the parenting void.

Avery and Arctos presented the cakes with a flourish, placing them in front of Cora.

"Arctos made this one out of chocolate and stardust and I made the red velvet one with a bit of spice," Avery explained. "He made me promise not to tell you—"

Arctos quickly snapped a hand over Avery's mouth, preventing her from spilling his secret. It was meant to be a joke but Adelyn felt Roedin's anger spike at seeing a male touch his mate. Roedin was on his feet and about to strangle Arctos but Adelyn was faster, stepping between her brothers to diffuse the situation.

The silent confrontation happened so quickly Avery didn't even notice. Instead her eyes folded into crescent moons of laughter, unperturbed by Arctos' touch. Arctos was also unaware of the threat behind him and gave the human a warning look before reluctantly lowering his hand.

"--not to tell you how easy it was to cook with stardust," Avery finished with a smirk.

The room exhaled in relief. Arctos stuck out his tongue at her and began cutting slices of his cake while Avery handed out her own.

"Would you like a piece?" she asked Roedin, offering him a plate.

Adelyn paused with her mouth full of cake and watched the exchange of food between the human and faunid. Though Avery was unaware of the significance behind her offering Adelyn desperately wanted Roedin to accept. She wanted her dark brother to be happy.

But Roedin stepped back and patted his stomach. "Ah, no. Thank you. I'm just so full from supper."

Avery gave him a funny look. "Said no male ever. I'm trying hard to not be insulted that you won't try my cake." She looked around the room at the others who were listening in. "Am I really that bad of a cook?"

Hayden came to Roedin's rescue. "Not in the least. I would, in fact, like a second piece of your cake, so I'll take that!" He grabbed the plate and grinned at her.

Avery shrugged and cut another piece.

Adelyn decided a distraction was needed. "So what do you say to an evening of dancing at The Fox & The Fae? Sari and Hayden have a thing, but Niamh and I have invited all your friends, so it should be a blast!"

Cora laughed. "Yes! Let's do it! I haven't been dancing last birthday?"

Adelyn grinned.

"I'd like to go," Avery piped in.

Adelyn looked at her surprise. "Brilliant! Females out for a night of fun!"

"What about us?" Arctos asked indignantly. He turned to Roedin in mock-horror, "It's like we don't even exist. Just pieces of meat!"

Arctos was keen to join in the party but Adelyn saw Roedin's face darken. His jaw muscles tensed as he battled internally over how to proceed. He wasn't a fan of the dance club but he couldn't stand the idea of his mate being propositioned by other males. Drunk males. But Avery wanting to get out and enjoy things in life again was something they had all been working towards for months.

With a pained smile he met Adelyn's eye and nodded. "I'd like to come too."

Adelyn kept the grin plastered to her face but the look she sent Arctos said they would need to keep an eye on things.

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