Chapter 21 - The Fire Festival

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"Avery, hurry up! We need to get going!" Hayden called up the stairs from the front foyer.

The human bounded down the stairs a moment later, her chin length auburn hair bobbing with each step. She had on dark pants with high boots paired with a high-necked sweater to keep out the autumn morning chill. She stumbled once on the stairs and grabbed the railing, continuing her race to the bottom.

Sari closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead in exasperation.

"I'm fine. Everything's fine," Avery laughed as she trotted past them and opened the front door. "Stairs are hard."

"She's going to break her neck tripping over her own feet," Sari hissed at Hayden as they followed her out.

The morning of the Fire Festival was crisp and bright, a light frost accentuating the colours of the leaves and berries on the trees. The front lawn was crunchy underfoot but the rising sun was already warming the autumn air. The streets were a hive of activity. Last minute trimming and adornments were being added to trees and front doors, hinges were oiled, and windows were spotless. Younglings were merrily jumping into piles of leaves.

As they walked down the street, neighbours shouted greetings and well wishes to the alpha prime and his mate with the human in tow. Arctos and Roedin joined them as they neared the downtown core, the Myotes wearing a garland of brilliant orange leaves.

"It's a new look for you, Roe. Adds a nice contrast to your dark shirts," Avery teased.

Roedin scowled but Hayden broke out in laughter.

"Females aren't wasting any time this year, are they?" Sari giggled.

"Females?" Avery asked in confusion.

"Females make garlands from leaves and place them around the necks of males they're interested in," Sari explained. "This being mating season many people will search for a partner during the Fire Festival."

"It's just a silly game. It doesn't mean anything serious," Roedin defended.

He looked mortified at the conversation but this just made them laugh more. Avery pictured a female tentatively approaching the warrior and he ducking his head low to accept the token. A feeling of protectiveness flashed through her.

The streets grew increasingly crowded as they approached the central square with music floating over the general sounds of laughter and chatting. Store fronts were decorated with orange, red, and yellow bunting and coloured lanterns were strung between balconies. Some trees were wrapped in ribbons while others had sparkles in them that glistened in the sun. Cafés offered specialty drinks such as Firestarter coffee and Red Ember tea with sweets and treats in the shape of leaves or flames. The pubs were open already, serving Spark whiskey and pumpkin-spiced beer.

The central square was filled with rows of tables and the delicious smell of breakfast wafted on the air. A raised stage with a table sat in the shadow of the massive clocktower. Adelyn and Niamh saw them enter the square and waved them over.

"Good morning! Everything all set then?" Hayden asked as he leaned in and rubbed cheeks with his sister and daughter.

Adelyn rolled her eyes and Niamh waved a dismissive hand through the air.

"Nice garlands, Roe," Niamh poked.

Roedin flushed red again and looked away only to spot another female tentatively walking up to the group with a garland in her hand. He awkwardly, but politely, accepted the garland and rubbed cheeks with the female and Avery felt that tinge of jealousy again. She had never thought of Roedin with a partner, but of course it made sense. The prime was likely a desirable male for anyone looking for company over the winter.

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