Chapter 32 - The Crone

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Avery let out a deep breath as the slipstream closed behind the warriors. The freedom to open a stream and travel the world in an instant was something she could only imagine. Now the camp had only females and younglings left. She glanced to Adelyn and Niamh who still had their eyes on the horizon, somewhat bitter at being left behind.

"Addy," Avery whispered hoarsely. "Adelyn! Everyone is staring at us."

A female sapien approached the trio purposefully but cautiously. Her clothes were of a better cloth than average and she held her chin high as though she were trying to look down her nose at the primes.

"Ten gold pieces says that's Jaret's wife," Niamh muttered as the female approached.

"I will not take that bet," Avery responded. Instead she shifted so that Adelyn was angled between her and the approaching sapien.

A few other females followed in the leader's wake, clearly elders and matrons in the camp culture.

"By your leave, alpha prime, we should begin preparations for when the males return with the surviving warriors. There is much work to be done."

Adelyn raised her eyebrows and looked around at the other females, all waiting expectantly for her order. Younglings stared at her wide-eyed and young males, not even ten years old, crossed their arms trying to look haughty.

Adelyn stomped her foot and huffed with annoyance. "Really? They just left. Can't we have one day to ourselves?" she mumbled. She glanced to Niamh and then cleared her throat and stepped forward with authority.

"We are powerful sapien primes. We will greatly ease the load of preparations for the victory celebration with our magic."

Some of the faunids shifted uncomfortably or made a sign against evil while others smiled broadly.

"We will work hard to ensure we are ready for the males' return. But not today. Today is a day of rest. Today we may visit and relax. Take time with your younglings and enjoy the freedom of this day."

Avery watched the group carefully for their reaction, moving just a bit closer to Adelyn. No one seemed to quite know what to do. Except the younglings. Younglings didn't need to be told twice to go play, and their shouts of joy could be heard as they ran into the camp together. The females milled about chatting, but not working had never been an option for them. Niamh also seemed to be at a loss on how to get the party started.

Avery cleared her throat.

"Excuse me!" she called to the sapien who had approached them. "I'm looking forward to this day of rest, but I'd like to ensure we are ready for the males' return as well. What kinds of preparations need to be completed in the next week?"

Adelyn shot her a grateful look. She had no idea what kind of workload they had just signed their magic up for but couldn't ask lest it show that she was inexperienced working with faunids. Avery was already thought of as little more than an ignorant human, so she had nothing to lose by asking the stupid questions.

"We must prepare a feast!" announced the female. "Many dishes of meat and spices must be ready, as well as our beds."

Adelyn clenched her jaw shut on that last statement and Niamh cringed.

Avery sighed and rolled her eyes, "Wow, do I wish I hadn't asked."

Adelyn took a calming breath. "Then tomorrow we will Those that wish to prepare their beds may do so, and those that do not are now under my protection. They may refuse any unwanted advances."

She didn't wait for their reaction but turned and stalked back through camp with Niamh and Avery in tow. Avery had to practically run to keep up.

"So about the whole cooking thing... that's not really my talent." She stumbled a bit in the snow but Niamh grabbed her arm before she could fall.

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