Chapter 46 - They make me wonder where you are

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Roedin and Arctos sprinted through the forests of Terraly before finding a rocky a shore by a quiet lake and resting. Both males jumped in the water to rinse off the sweat then built a campfire of driftwood, the flames lighting up the cobblestones of the beach.

Arctos poked the fire with a stick and then handed Roedin a flask he had tucked away. Roedin took a swig and passed it back.

"So, are you going to eat that?" Arctos asked without looking at his brother.

Roedin was holding the packet of food Avery had prepared for him, but he hadn't opened it. He stared into the flames, hypnotized by the burning embers.

"What are you waiting for?" Arctos added.

Roedin took a deep breath and sighed it out, his eyes never leaving the flames.

"What if what happened today is just the beginning? What if we're out somewhere and another male touches her and she steps in the middle of it?"

Arctos threw the stick on the flames and rose to add more wood. "I'm getting a little tired of you hiding behind your faunid blood."

Roedin's eyes snapped up and narrowed at his brother.

"You are not the wild beast you pretend to be when it's convenient. Avery has met true faunids and she knows what you are. She's probably read every book ever written about faunid history and traditions so there's no way you can tell me that she doesn't know what she's getting into."

Roedin looked out over the lake. "You're not listening to me. It's not her, it's me that's the problem."

"No, you're not listening! She is the only person who has been able to push away that darkness you hide behind! You're just so determined to be miserable you refuse to accept that she might be right for you. What is your problem!?" he shouted. "You can't be angry at love forever because of what happened between your parents!"

Roedin leapt over the fire and smashed his fist into Arctos' face. Arctos took the blow and delivered one in return. They scrambled and fought in the firelight on the beach while only the stars looked on.

Roedin gasped for air as he swung and kicked. "What if—what if it's not me she really loves? What if I'm just the first person she met?"

Arctos growled in frustration. "Then lucky you!"

"What if I can't protect her?"

"She's not looking for a shield, she's looking for a partner!" Arctos grunted as he took a punch to the stomach.

"What if she is a human queen and can't be with a half-blooded bastard?"

"What if she's not? What if she's no one and you didn't take a chance because you're afraid of the unknown? Afraid of something you can't control?"

They wrestled on the beach, each landing punches in turn and grabbing the other, panting heavily and sweating.

"What if she dies?"

Arctos pulled away, swearing at the night sky. "Is that what you're afraid of? We're all going to die, Roedin. You're a soldier, you know this! She could die tomorrow, or in fifty years, or in five hundred. Does that mean you don't want to be with her today?"

Roedin panted for a moment, looking at the fire. "What if I die?"

Arctos snarled and leapt on him again, throwing his weight behind his punches. He was done having this argument with a youngling. Roedin was searching for excuses and Arctos didn't know why, so he fell back on his preferred technique of beating it out of him.

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