Chapter 17 - Welcome to Corinth

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Avery stared at the inside of the front door and took a few calming breaths. Roedin stood behind her while Hayden and Arctos waited on the front lawn. For days she had been studying the city from her window. It was time to venture out and she was losing her nerve.

"We can turn around anytime you want," Roedin reassured again.

Avery nodded and squared her shoulders then opened the door.

The late summer sun had warmed the day already and a breeze flowed in through the ornate wooden doorway. Ember Place was large enough to accommodate an alpha pack, but it was still a relatively modest house considering the importance of its occupants. The front walk led across a small lawn to a cobbled street where sapiens and faunids went about their business. Avery stared at them from behind the safety of the beautifully crafted iron gate. A hand touched her shoulder and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Roedin studied her in concern.

"I guess I'm a little tense." She forced a laugh. "There are a lot of people."

"I understand. The three of us are right here."

She looked over at Hayden and Arctos who were trying to pretend they were deep in conversation and not watching her carefully. Before she could lose her nerve she opened the gate and stepped out onto the sidewalk.

The streets were lined with houses of all different shapes and sizes with huge trees in the yards. Some trees even had faded ribbons pinned to them denoting their rank in a contest, clearly from the previous fall. Two younglings zoomed by on bicycles, not even noticing the human amongst the sapiens. A third flew overhead on a set of dragonfly wings, shouting at them to wait. Up the street Avery could see cafés with their doors open to tables on the street and people visiting in front of stores. She didn't know where to look first.

"So is there anything in particular you'd like to see on your first visit to Corinth?" Roedin asked, trying to gauge her comfort level.

She didn't take her eyes off the scene around her.

"I honestly don't know where to start. What do people usually want to see in cities?"

"Well Corinth is a little unique. They call it the Burning City because of the colour of the trees, but really the colours have inspired a passion for art and culture that are unmatched in any other city. Of course, there is a seedier side, as all collections of people have, but mostly it's full of music, dancing, good trade, and good humour."

Avery gawked at the buildings and sculptures, murals and businesses around her. The streets were wide to allow the sunlight to reach down into the alleys and every store nurtured trees around their buildings. Trees grew out of the sidewalks, pushing the cobbles up at odd angles. Some trees were pinned to buildings to keep the branches from drooping down to the street. Others grew in large pots on second or third story balconies.

The streets and alleys were linked by ornate footbridges spanning the numerous creeks that wound down through the city. The streams poured out of the mountains, cascading down the cliffs before landing on the valley floor and braiding together as the water found its way to the sea. Avery spotted a toy boat bobbing along with the current.

The group wandered the streets casually, calling out greetings to friends and pointing out landmarks or favourite shops to Avery. She was so distracted by the sights and sounds she didn't even notice the curious glances and sometimes blatant stares that came her way. An endangered species in the company of an alpha prime.

As they rounded the corner of a building the full view of the bay opened up. Ships with tall masts were anchored and smaller skiffs moved between them. Some were docked at the great piers that stretched out from wooden boardwalks along the shore, crews loading and unloading trade goods while carts moved the wares up into the streets. Families walked along the docks, some resting on benches and watching the scene on the bay, others leaning over railings with fishing poles or throwing seeds down to the ducks on the water. Avery's pace slowed as she took in the bustling activity before her.

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