Chapter 38 - Blossom Ball

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Avery was jittery with excitement over the ball. It was just like in the fairytales she had poured over all her life. Adelyn had dragged her into their rooms and banned the males, spending the next few hours trying on dresses and hairstyles with the three females.

"There's only one thing I enjoy more than getting dressed up!" announced Adelyn.

"Lemon pound cake?" Sari guessed.

Adelyn paused and considered. "Alright, two things I enjoy more than getting dressed up. Lemon pound cake and kicking butt on the battlefield."

"You quite enjoy sleeping in too," Avery pointed out.

"And the Oreamnos climbing races," Niamh chimed in.

Adelyn rolled her eyes. "So I enjoy many things. And one of them is wearing nice things." She pulled Avery's red-brown hair back into an elaborate up-do of braids and twists. The weight of the pins alone pulled her head back, but the style elongated Avery's neck and shoulders, strong and toned after months of training. Kohl had been added to her eyes and rouge to her lips, not so much to be heavy but enough to highlight her freckles and golden-brown eyes.

"Avery, just remember to stick to field wine and avoid the cocktails. The Emerald Darner knocks even sapien primes off their feet and I can't imagine what it would do to a human body," Sari warned.

Avery grinned. "Thanks for the tip. We'll experiment another time."

"I want to be there for that!" Niamh laughed as she finished pinning her own hair. The chestnut brown was brilliantly offset by her deep green gown that stopped at the knee on one side but fell to the floor diagonally from there.

Avery looked back in the mirror and at the alpha prime in the reflection. "Thank you as well, Addy, for helping me along. And other—well, just thank you. This trip has been so fun. And I'm really looking forward to dancing, even if I don't know that I'll be any good. And I think the cook is preparing those crab cakes I suggested adding the fritisia spice to, and—"

"We get it!" Adelyn laughed. "You're excited! I am too. And I'm glad you've enjoyed yourself so much."

The sapien stepped back to admire her work on Avery's hair. She wore a body hugging blood-red dress that only the fair-haired Adelyn could pull off. It plunged off her shoulders exposing her muscled back. A back that conveyed both beauty and deadliness at the same time.

Adelyn brushed her hands off quickly and then headed for the door. "I'm going to meet Tobias for a drink. I'll see you all there!" And before anyone could respond she stepped out of the bedroom and left the apartment.

Avery stood and looked in the mirror. Her dress was a liquid bronze that set her hair on fire. It was almost the reverse of Adelyn's plunging backline. Instead, Avery's dress sat high on her back and plunged down the front. It draped off her hips to fall straight to the floor. Adelyn hadn't said as much, but the dress was crafted in such a way to cover up scars on Avery's back. She breathed a sigh of relief when she put it on. It wasn't that she was ashamed; she just didn't want to talk about it on this party night.

Sari had chosen a long gown of black that sparkled like stars. It was in stark contrast to her pale skin as the strapless dress coated her like a blanket of darkness. Perfect for the sapien who could wander through the dreams of night.

The females stepped out of Adelyn's bedroom and into the foyer of the apartment suite. As one, the waiting males turned and took in the females who strode in confidently. Hayden and Arctos let out low whistles at the sight of them but Roedin stood frozen on the spot. He only had eyes for Avery. She blushed deeply under his gaze and then gave a small twirl. Arctos shoved Roedin hard in the ribs to break his concentration.

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