Chapter 39 - Ferrik

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The group fanned out around the ballroom. The party was still in full swing but Ferrik was sulking in the corner, a sour look on his face. He still gave no indication that he had seen Avery. Even though she had had plenty to drink already, Sari sipped her own wine until the glass was empty then discreetly switched it with Avery's to make it look like she finished it. They tried laughing and grabbing attention but Avery's acting was not up to the task.

When Ferrik got up and left the room without noticing her, Avery looked to Sari apologetically and then ran to the restroom. Sari gulped back the rest of the drink and hurried after her.

Avery was heaving into one of the toilets. As she retched Sari crouched down and began rubbing her back but Avery shook her off.

"You shouldn't touch me. It's very strong," she said, reaching for some toilet paper to wipe her mouth.

Confused, Sari backed off and offered to help her up but Avery brushed the hand aside. She clambered to her feet on her own and stumbled to the sink to rinse out her mouth. Sari watched from the toilet stall, her limbs feeling very heavy. Her fingers were tingling and she looked down at her hands trying to bring them into focus.

"Sari, what's wrong? Did you touch my skin?" a distant voice asked. She looked up at the human drying her hands by the sink. Avery's auburn hair seemed to burn red against the bronze dress. Sari suddenly wanted to tell her about the mating bond. She wanted the human to know how much Roedin and the whole alpha pack loved her. She wanted to call Avery sister.

The room began to spin. An earthquake. A tornado. Something upended the castle and brought the floor up to her face. It didn't hurt, hitting the floor. The cool, smooth marble relieved her burning skin. Then Avery's face was in front of her, brushing her hair back. Her sister's eyes were full of worry.

"Sari?" Avery gasped and knelt beside her friend.

Sari tried to get up but couldn't focus her eyes or get her feet to work. Avery's face blurred as did the figure standing behind her. A hand reached around clamped over Avery's mouth, yanking her back. She screamed into his palm but the sound was so quiet, so pathetic.

The male pinned her against his chest as she squirmed. Sari's stomach heaved in disgust as she watched him run his tongue along Avery's collarbone and up her throat before whispering in her ear.

"Did you miss me?"
Panic overtook Avery immediately. Any training she had received was forgotten in her terror. Her worst nightmare was coming true.

Ferrik kept his hand over her mouth, choking off her air. The other arm wrapped around her torso, pinning her arms to her sides. She twisted and thrashed her legs but he was still a male sapien and she a human.

I will land two punches, I will land two punches, I will land two punches, she repeated in her mind.

She pushed off the walls of the stairwell and tripped him. He cursed and slammed her up against a painting. Her skull cracked the glass and blood trickled down the back of her neck. Stars sparkled across her vision for a moment as she crumpled to the ground. Ferrik kicked her in the stomach.

"Get up! Get up, you witch!" He pulled her up by her hair and continued to drag her down the hallway. "I knew it! I knew you had power! I will be greatly rewarded when he finds out."

Avery gasped and clutched her side, trying to get her feet under her to take the weight off her neck. She pushed off the ground and slammed an elbow into Ferrik's throat.

One, she counted silently.

He dropped her for a moment and but she tripped over her gown before she could run far. She let out a short scream as he tackled her and punched her face to silence her shouts. He staggered to his feet again then kicked her once more. She heard more than felt the rib break.

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