Chapter 27 - Love who you love

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In the heart of winter Sari sat with Avery in the brilliant northern sunshine of Gallen, their toes slightly dipped into the tea-coloured water below the dock. They wore bathing suits under sheer sundresses that allowed the breeze to blow through but kept the sun from burning their skin. Sari's long brown hair hung loose in the breeze and she tilted her head back to feel the sun on her face.

"I needed this," Sari sighed. "It feels like it's been a long winter." She kicked her leg out, flicking the water out on the calm lake.

"But it's not usual, right? Just standard winter-length?" Avery asked, searching Sari face in concern.

Sari shrugged. "No, I guess not. Just winter. I'm looking forward to the Blossom Ball in Terraly. Just like the Fire Festival is Corinth's big party, Khalil celebrates spring with the ball. I think he does it to reward us for sitting through a week of meetings beforehand. You'll love it!"

"We get to go to Terraly? I've read about Khalil's castle. It's called Deceiver because of all the hidden passages."

"Of course, you have," Sari laughed.

Avery grinned, taking a sip of cool beer from the frosted mug in her hand and gazing out across the lake. They reflected in comfortable silence for a while before Avery spoke again.

"I love how the water is so mysterious. I wonder what's down there?"

"You could go for a swim and find out. It's rather deep off the end of the dock, so there's lots to explore," suggested Sari.

"Hmmm maybe later. I think I'll stick to the shallows where my feet touch the ground."

Sari opened her eyes and looked at her quizzically. "Avery, can you swim?"

"Of course I can swim!" Avery retorted. Then she grinned cheekily. "I've just never tried."

"How have you never been swimming?"

"No water. There was only a creek running by the Cabin, but no pond or lake. I floated in a pool a bit but that's not really swimming. How hard can it be?"

Sari shook her head in wonder. "Always up for a challenge, aren't you?"

Avery nodded. "I do enjoy learning new things. Though I need a break from the horseback riding lessons with Niamh. That last fall really rattled me."

Sari laughed. "Well, at some point this trip, I will teach you how to swim. Just maybe not this afternoon as I'm a little tipsy."

Avery grinned and clinked cups with Sari before taking a long swallow herself.

"Will Safira join us do you think?" she asked.

Sari huffed. "Probably not. Safira has made herself incredibly busy with governing the city. I don't know if she wasn't paying attention when her mother ruled, or if she is just overwhelmed, but it's as though she wasn't prepared to take over. She rarely comes to meetings in other cities or attends functions."

"Is that why Tobias spends so much time in Corinth?"

"I think so. Plus he and Adelyn have had a 'thing' for decades. He's been sparring with her all morning, trying to impress her with his fighting skills. Now there's an odd couple," Sari added with a chuckle.


"Well I'm not sticking my nose in Adelyn's affairs, but they certainly have some kind of connection. I just don't know what the hold-up is."

Avery tried to picture feisty Adelyn being chased by a male. She looked up at Sari shyly and they broke into giggles.

"What's so funny?" Niamh walked down the dock carrying her own cup of chilled wine, her light dress billowing in the breeze.

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