the ultimate in conspiracy theories is the illuminati. almost everyone has heard of it, but if you've been living under a giant rock, here's a definition -
the illuminati is a secret organisation, that has been around since the dawn of time, apparently. their symbol is a pyramid with an eye in it, a symbol you may recognise from the one dollar bill.
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the first illuminati was the bavarian illuminati, which was formed in 1776 by adam weishaupt. this was a bavarian secret society for intellectuals to oppose the religious and elitist influence on daily life. however, along with the freemasons, they found themselves outlawed by conservative and christian critics and disbanded in 1785.
the freemasons consist of fraternal organisations that only men can join. their origin is the fraternities of stonemasons. they also believe in a supreme being. their symbol looks like this -
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and are associated with the illuminati. my re teacher has that symbol on a flag on his wall and i'm kind of scared now.
the modern illumanti is rumoured to have many celebrity members, including jay-z, beyoncé, and many more.
many people think that the illuminati want to bring about a totalitarian world government called the new world order. there are also allegations that freemasons have a hidden political agenda and are conspiring to bring about the new world order with a government governed by the freemasons (i'm even more scared).
since the 1970s, aliens from other planets, parallel dimensions and the hollow earth have been included in the new world order conspiracy. a common theme is aliens have been among us for a long time but a government cover up, enforced by the men in black, has shielded the public from the knowledge of the aliens' existence. the aliens are changing things about human society so they can control and exploit us and implement the new world order. in some theories the aliens have shapeshifted into human forms, with some taking the form of command positions in governments, corporations and religious institutions, and are in the final stages of their plan to take over the world.
there are many more theories, including -
- end time. this conspiracy has been around since the 19th century and involves the new world order's policies fulfilling prophecies about the 'end time' talked about in the bible.
- the protocols of the elders of zion. i'm not going to talk about this much because it's anti-semitic bullshit, but the protocols of the elders of zion is from 1903 and thinks jewish people, with the freemasons, are going to rule the new world order.
- round table. in 1877, when the british empire was still, sadly, going strong, british businessman cecil rhodes wrote his first will. in it, he expressed his wish to fund a secret society who's end goal is for the british empire to rule the entire world. again, bullshit.
- the open conspiracy. in his 1928 book 'the open conspiracy' british writer h. g. wells (who i respect a lot less after finding out his cat's name) promoted cosmopolitanism - the idea that all human beings belong to the same community based on a shared morality - and offered blueprints for a world revolution.
- new age. british occultist alice bailey prophesied in 1940 that the eventual victory of the allies of world war 2 (britain, france, the ussr/russia and the usa) over the axis (germany, italy and japan) and the allies establishing a political and religious new world order. alice bailey became the founder of the new age movement.
- the fourth reich. conspiracy theorists often use the fourth reich as a synonym for the new world order to imply that it's ideology and government will be similar to germany's third reich in world war 2.
- brave new world. some conspiracy theorists emphasise technology forecasting - trying to predict the technology of the future - in their new world order conspiracy theory. they suspect that the global elite are trying to develop and use human enhancement technology on themselves while change accelerates towards a technological singularity - a point in time in the future where events will accelerate so fast that normal, unenhanced humans will be unable to understand the rapid changes occuring. conspiracy theorists fear the outcome will be either a brave new world-like dystopia (similar to the book brave new world) or the extinction of the human race.
i hope you enjoyed this! it was pretty hard for me to write, since i had to translate a wikipedia article into normal english.