23| 9/11

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WARNING - i don't know if anyone will be triggered by 9/11 but i'm putting a warning just in case, i don't want anyone to get triggered.

also, kinda scary storytime - i was reading some threads earlier (that's where i found this thread) about things you should never google and i thankfully skipped the picture of the huntsman spider but i found out i have the fear of holes (i forgot what it's called but don't fucking google it you'll get that fear too).

anyway, let's get into it! our conspiracy theory today is that george w. bush and the american government did 9/11.

if you've been living under a rock or are an alien reading my wattpad book on the intergalactic internet, on september 11th 2001 4 airplanes were hijacked by the terrorist group al-qaeda and used to commit an act of terrorism. or were they?

2 of the planes were flown into the twin towers in new york city, 1 plane was flown into the pentagon in washington dc and the last crashed into a field in pennsylvania. look at this picture of the pentagon after the plane "crashed" into it and notice how there's no evidence of the plane.

 look at this picture of the pentagon after the plane "crashed" into it and notice how there's no evidence of the plane

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although mostly we'll be focusing on the twin towers as evidence for this theory.

the first piece of evidence that this was an inside job is that the jet fuel from the planes couldn't have melted the steel beams enough for the buildings to collapse. technicians say that if the beams were weakened enough the building would collapse, but here's the shady part. the planes were flown into the top parts of the buildings, showing that the intention wasn't to collapse them, it was to damage them, to kill some americans and terrorise the country. this would be enough of a threat for bush to continue with his war plans against iraq and afghanistan. he needed a reason to attack and this was the only way he could justify it.

notice that the pentagon was hit (see the picture above) but there was no sign of the plane and the damage wasn't nearly as bad as the twin towers. it would've made more sense for the plans to attack the pentagon with more force because it's government property, but no. bush needed something that would traumatise citizens personally and push them to support his motives to invade afghanistan and iraq.

the second piece of evidence is that the government did recieve many memos about osama bin laden's - the founder of al-qaeda - desires to attack on us soil. so if the government knew osama wanted to attack the us on us soil, you'd think they'd be extra careful and be prepared, right? nope. even the pentagon was hit, which is highly secured. it wouldn't have been that easy, since the usa's military and security force is one of the strongest in the world. the us can detect a missile coming towards them from across the planet, but can't detect or stop hijacked planes coming down. the government didn't try to stop the attacks, they wanted them to happen. in 2003, bush attacked iraq and started the iraq war. this happened because of 9/11.

here's the next sketchy part - how did the hijackers get control of the planes? we still - to this day - can't figure it out. some say the hijackers stabbed the flight attendants, got the keys to the cockpit, took control and shut off the navigation system so they couldn't be detected. however, while this was going on people on the plane were able to call their loved ones and use aircraft radio to report a hijacking. so at that point it was known by people that the planes were hijacked, but they couldn't stop them. sound fishy to you yet?

the next thing is that the passengers and bags on the planes were unusually low, making the planes lighter and easier to manoeuvre. american 11 from boston to los angeles had 81 passengers on board out of a possible 158. united 175 which was also from boston to los angeles had 56 passengers out of a possible 168. that was a 'load factor' of 33%, considerably lower than the 49% average load factor for that flight. american 77 from washington to los angeles had 58 passengers out of a possible 176. united 93 from newark, new jersey to san francisco only had 37 passengers and a 20% load rate, much lower than the usual 52% load rate. this means a lot less people died than the normal amount that would've died. it was clearly staged because the government didn't want to kill too many innocent people. rip to all the lives lost.

isn't it interesting how they removed one of the five hijackers so one of the flights couldn't hit the capitol? the united 93 flight is the only one that didn't hit its intended target, the capitol. some of that is because it was the only one that had four hijackers instead of the five that the rest of the flights had. the fifth hijacker had been refused entry by a suspicious immigration officer at the orlando international airport in florida in august. as the passengers were seconds away from getting into the cockpit, the hijacker at the controls crashed the plane in an empty field in shanksville, pennsylvania, just 20 minutes flying time from washington dc. so instead of hitting the capitol the plane crashed into a field because of one less hijacker, which is unrealistic, and if it had hit the capitol bush would've died.

the twin towers had been a target before, too. in 1993 a bomb had been planted in one of the parking garages, killing six people and injuring over 1000. you'd think if the towers were clear targets for terrorists, the us would've doubled security and kept a more careful watch, but no.

apparently the passengers of flight united 93 forced the plane to crash. the military says "if they hadn't done that, we would've stepped in". the military clearly could've done something to stop the attack. vice president cheney even ordered that the planes should be shot down, but obviously that didn't happen (clearly bush didn't tell cheney his plan). the same person who planted the bomb in the twin towers in 1993 also admitted to planning a huge attack over 12 us airlines in 1995. this man later became one of the 'masterminds' of 9/11.

the cia also warned president clinton (the president before bush) about hijackings in 1998. in the december 4th 1998 president's daily brief the cia told clinton that osama bin laden was preparing to hijack us aircraft. the plan, the cia said, was to hijack the planes and gain the release of terrorists. so the government knew this attack was going to happen, yet they did nothing to stop it. i'm not saying this all could've been prevented and bush did 9/11, but this all could've been prevented and bush did 9/11.

there's more! apparently the saudi arabian royal family had contact with some of the hijackers on the planes and show proof of money being involved. saudi arabia control most of the usa's gasoline supply, which makes them a very important factor in this. bush could've negotiated so many things and even though hundreds died on 9/11 he came out safe, which helped his image and, as he now had the justification to invade iraq, work with saudi arabia and appear as the good guy. this got him re-elected, more money, more power, and his plans being followed through with. the nation's best interest clearly wasn't in his mind.

also, and bear in mind that this is a fact, in the 1980s the us trained osama bin laden and other terrorists to kill soviets. the cia gave them $3 billion. then on 9/11 bin laden used his cia training to murder 3000 people.

what do you think of the theory? i think the facts are there and there's definitely a strong case for bush staging the attacks.

information from dracarysbby and ajnabuin on twitter.

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