30| the elevator to another world

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the elevator to another world is a ritual involving using an elevator in a certain way. if done correctly, you should find yourself in another world. as with every ritual i put in this book, you shouldn't play this because you could be stranded in another world.

the ritual first appeared on a korean website and then started appearing on other websites like reddit. many people have shared their experiences playing it and they are terrifying. the reddit user makayaladoesrituals wrote about her experience -

"There is an apartment building about a five minute walk away from my house and it has 20 floors, so finding a building wasn't an issue. I started walking there around 4:30am, since I didn't want anyone to up and around and using the elevator. That would be a bitch to be honest. Everything was dark and silent and getting in wasn't a problem. There was like one security guard outside the gates, but he didn't seem to care much since I'm a tame looking 20 year old white girl; probably looked like I was coming back from a late Friday night party. Summonin' demons n shit in your general vicinity, son.

There were stairs on the right and three elevators on the left, and everything was quiet. I got into one of the elevators (the one in the middle) and did the 4-2-6-2-10-5 combo, I won't bore you with the details. When the elevator stopped at the 5th floor, I had to hold in a fucking scream because the "girl" was standing there almost in my face, and I had to try really, really hard not to stare her right in the fucking face. She wasn't even a girl, she was more of a halo of dark energy that glowed really brightly, if that makes sense. I don't remember much about her which is pretty fucking weird. She was wearing a dress of some sort though and had short dark hair.

I've done Ouija boards, I've done rituals, hell, I didn't even panic like this during the Hooded Man, but being in that elevator with that girl made me internally freak out like nothing else. I shakily pressed one, and boom, the elevator started going up to the 10th floor. And instead of being relieved that I was doing it right, it made me panic for no fucking reason. The doors opened, right on the hallway of the 10th floor. I've never seen it before, in normal circumstances, but it was so...dark. I couldn't see the end of the corridor, but right at the very end, I could see this strange dark glowing light. I shakily stepped foot out of the elevator, and in my head, all I could hear was a stupid whiny girl's voice going, 'Where are you going, Makayla?'

Of course the ritual said to ignore it, so I did, and leaving the girl standing there, I started walking down the hallway. As I progressed further past, the glowing light at the end of the hallway illuminated the space around me. The apartment doors on either side of me were rusted shut, like they hadn't been opened in years, and as my eyes focused to the stupid darkness, I figured out that the red light was in fact a glowing cross. Not the Jesus crucification cross, but like, an addition sign if anything.

It was uneventful, for the most part, but the air was heavy with something, and it was making me really fucking antsy. Also, it felt like, the more I walked towards the cross, the more it grew away from me. I was pretty fucking determined to get to it, until those stupid doors started banging and rattling and knocking and it was the most terrifying fucking thing, fuck my life. No ritual has ever made me book it to the elevator like this one. Thank god, I took care to take the one I came in, because I couldn't think straight at the time. This might even sound rushed because I don't know what the fuck I was doing, I just wanted out. I don't even want to write about it. I reached it fairly quickly, and I swear to god, I fucking stabbed that call button like nothing else. It took like ten fucking decades to show up, and those doors didn't stop rattling until I was inside the elevator and hazily doing the combo.

I have never been more relieved to reach that first fucking floor. Everything looked normal, no more heavy air, no more darkness, security guard was still there, and yet I couldn't stop fucking panicking. I ran home so fucking fast, and I know it sounds embarrassing now, because I didn't even do anything, but I could not stop crying. I think the guard thought I was on something.

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