WARNING - this chapter mentions physical and sexual child abuse. if that triggers you, please stop reading now.
one day in the mid 1950s, a man was driving along when he noticed a box at the side of the road. upon further investigation the naked body of a little boy between the ages of 3 and 7 was found inside the box. he was covered in clumps of hair and his body was battered. around 250 police recruits continuously combed the area of the crime scene but could find absolutely nothing to help identify who the boy was. this was before dna testing was an option, so there was no way to determine his identity without finding a family member or someone who knew him.
in order to find the identity of the boy the police made his body look as presentable as they could and circulated his picture all over the united states.
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this picture, showing the boy if he were still alive and still had hair, came out in 2016.
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the photo circulated for years after his death but nothing was ever found to identify the boy, so he remains unidentified to this day. now let's get into the theories.
theory one - the boy was raised as a girl
the clumps of hair on his body and his unprofessional haircut shows that he had long hair that was hastily cut off after his death to hide his identity. he also had plucked and styled eyebrows and surgical scars on his groin. the condition of his body shows the boy was brutally beaten and it's suspected that he was sexually abused as well. this may explain why he had surgical looking scars on his groin.
theory two - he was from a foster home 1.5 miles from where he was found
when they found him he was wrapped in a flannel blanket and inside an appliance box from jc penny. a man who pondered this case for nearly his whole life went to a psychic. the psychic described a house which very closely resembled the foster home. when the man visited the home the appliance which would've come in the box that the boy was found in was found inside the house.
blankets inside the house were very similar to the blanket that the boy was found wrapped in. it was suspected that the daughter of the man who owned the foster home was the mother of the boy and she murdered the boy to hide having a child out of wedlock.
theory three - martha
the third and final theory was a break in the case years after the boy's body was found. a woman named "martha" came forward to the police to say that the boy in the box was her adopted brother who her parents had "bought". she said that the boy was called johnathon and she and him had been locked in the basement of their home together very often. they were both beaten and sexually abused.
she said that at dinner one night he had eaten baked beans and then thrown up (my reaction to eating baked beans). he was beaten brutally for making a mess and had his head slammed on the floor multiple times. after his beating he was put in the bath where he died. martha says her mother took her to dump his body. while they were dumping him, a motorist stopped to check if they were okay. martha then says her mother made her stand in front of the license plate on their car to guard it from the driver.
the police were going to dismiss martha's claims until the coroner's report confirmed that the boy's last meal had been baked beans and that his fingers were pruned as if they had been in water. martha also confirmed that the boy had long hair when alive and that her mother cut it off after he died. however after martha came out with her story many of her neighbours claimed she was ridiculous and that there had never been another child in the house.
my theory - the boy is johnny from johny johny yes papa
first piece of evidence - they look so similar.
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boy in the box
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it's uncanny.
second piece of evidence - johnathon can be easily shortened to johny.
third piece of evidence - there is definitely something weird in that house. look at this tweet -
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since you can't add in videos from your camera roll on wattpad, and it won't let me add the video from youtube, if you want to see the proof go to the youtube app/website & search for "grandpa grandma yes johny". click on the video called "family indoor play song" and you'll see it.
lots of people have theories on what's going on in johny's house, but i think what martha said could explain it.
should i make my theory into it's own conspiracy theory thread? and what do you think happened? was it the foster home? was it martha's parents? or is this what will happen the next time papa catches johny eating sugar?