28| the world is a simulation & lil miquela

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this thread's title is pretty long so let's do the whole thing. it is - the world has been a simulation since 2012 and the illuminati is been testing ways to fade out humans from existence, with lil miquela updates. basically, there's a load of topics that all intertwine with each other into one long ass thread. i know, it sounds wild. but let's get into it!

the theory came about because of the mayans, who lived around the 5th century. they counted dates and came up with their own calendar, which is now known as the mayan calendar. it's a very complex calendar and pretty hard to understand. it was believed that the mayans' calendar didn't go past december 21st, 2012, and it was also believed that the mayans had an prophecy that the world would end on that exact date.

but, what they supposedly believed is not really what you'd think. when you hear "the end of the world" you think of some bible type shit, like natural disasters everywhere, fires, basically all hell breaking loose. this isn't how the mayans' theory goes. what they believed is that on december 21st, 2012 the world will stop turning and everything will vanish into thin air. people, animals, possessions, buildings, everything.

you're probably thinking, "obviously that didn't happen, freya, it's 2018 and we're all still here!" but think about it. has anything felt real since then? with trump and everything he's doing, brexit, north korea, celebrities dying, doing problematic shit and just general crazy stuff, and many more, and all those joke tweets saying "2018 is definitely a simulation bc of xyz". are they really jokes? also, 2013 is the year everything went wrong for me in my life.

back to the theory. after december 21st, 2012 came and went, people stopped believing in the mayan prophecy, for obvious reasons. nothing happened that day and everyone was still alive.


it leads into another theory that the world is a simulation. this one's a little harder to follow but it's still interesting. i'm pretty sure everyone's heard of the big bang theory (not the tv show, the scientific theory) because that's the most accepted theory for the beginning of the universe. in case you've been living under a scientific rock, it's basically a theory that the universe was created and expanded by a huge bang from high density energy and high temperature states of matter. in english, it's a theory that the universe was literally nothing - no atoms or anything - and exploded into existence from a singularity.

there is another theory that contributes to this, which is called string theory. it's a theory that tiny strings of vibrating energy make up and explain all the forces of nature and all of the phenomenons in the universe, such as the big bang theory, are completely connected by these electrically charged strings of energy. where am i going with this? you'll see. it's believed that the mayans (remember them from earlier?) knew of electricity's existence and how it worked - bear in mind that the mayan civilisation originated in 2600 bc - thousands of years before benjamin franklin "discovered" it. anyway, if string theory is real it means that the universe is made up of electrically charged energy, instead of matter like we originally thought.

so, if the universe is made up of electrically charged energy it would be possible for anything to be a simulation. that leads us onto the next thing - what is a simulation? the definition is an imitation of the operation of a real world process or system. simulations come in all forms, the most common and easiest to understand is computer simulations like video games. simulations are used in the media a lot for games like the sims, holograms like the hologram of tupac at coachella in 2012. usually it's used for playful things like entertainment, but technology is evolving so it could be used for anything.

that brings us to what this is predominantly about, that the world is a simulation. to sum it up, the theory goes that the world had another big bang on december 21st, 2012, but it wasn't a big bang, it was small and unnoticeable. we fell asleep on december 21st in the real world and woke up in a simulation. a lot of people believe this because not only were the mayans much more evolved and civilised than meets the eye, but according to scientific hypothesises from the 18th and 19th centuries and even before have predicted that there was no way our society could've gone past the years 2000-2012.

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