08| conspiracy theories about life

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today i have some conspiracy theories for you about life. some of these are ones i thought of and some are ones i found that i believe in.

1) past lives and deja vu
my theory about past lives isn't that your past lives are totally different from yours, and memories of your past lives are deja vu, because for me that doesn't make sense. i experience deja vu a lot, and to me it feels like i'm about to do something again. if this is a memory from a different past life, i'd have to live in the exact same place with the exact same people.

my theory is that we live the same life, over and over again, and certain events trigger memories from your past life that resurface in the form of deja vu - making you think you've done something before, because you have.

2) mandela effect and time travellers
my explanation for the mandela effect is that time travellers from the future came back to the past but messed up some small things, like the spelling of things like the berenstein/berenstain bears, the news of nelson mandela's death when he was alive and the scripts for films like star wars and snow white. so we all think it was what it was originally but a time traveller accidentally messed it up. this theory is similar to the butterfly effect - a time traveller going to the past, doing something small like stepping on a butterfly and it totally changing the future.

3) life is a simulation?
this one i got from shane dawson's conspiracy videos (he will always be way better than me at conspiracies). it basically says that life is a simulation and the proof are people witnessing some "glitches" in the matrix.

for example, this story about a man and his wife -
"one evening, a man and his wife returned home from dinner. when he opened the door, he saw his wife sitting at the computer doing work, which is a normal sight when he gets off of work, except for the fact that she was entering the house with him. when they went to bed, he told her that he'd unexplainably seen her sitting at the computer earlier, and she got very serious, then told him that when she opened the door, she saw herself sitting at the computer too. creepy."

and the story of the man on the bench -
"every morning on his way to work, a man would pass through a shopping mall, and on one of the benches he saw an elderly man who appeared to be waiting for someone. he was a fairly normal-looking guy, though he sometimes wore a piece of attire that wasn't particularly stylish, like a golfer's cap, logger boots, or a vest. every morning for four years he'd see this man, but he never actually witnessed him meeting anyone. then he got a new job located in a completely different part of town. only a few days into working, he walked out of the subway and to his surprise, he saw the exact same guy sitting on a bench."

shane did a whole video on this, and i'll link it below -

what do you think of these conspiracy theories? do you watch shane dawson? if you don't you totally should.

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